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No matter where your team is starting from, my corporate wellness programmes will move them forward on their wellness journey.  My services include one-to-one and group programmes; lunch & learns; drop-in clinics and newsletter content. Having spent 30 years working in the corporate market I am uniquely positioned to understand and meet the needs of your employees. Please get in touch to learn more.

Improve Your

Physical and Mental


Modern life places many demands on employees who spend nearly one-third of their adult lives in work.  As well as performing in the workplace, many people also run homes, care for young children and aging parents.   Amid this hectic lifestyle, health niggles such as poor sleep, brain fog, weight gain and low mood can often be missed or ignored.  However, being aware of these early signs of burnout is the first step in making changes to improve physical and mental performance.

My corporate wellness services are designed to support employees make the changes, within a busy schedule, that will deliver a balance across the “4 Pillars of Health”.  Achieving this supports better energy, concentration and general wellbeing in the short term as well as enhancing long term health outcomes.  And we know that a happier and healthier workforce results in higher productivity and lower absenteeism levels.


How I Can Support
Your Company

Before setting up ENRICHED, I spent 30 years working in the corporate market.  I held many different roles within the financial services sector, which necessitated travel, managing projects, teams and working to tight deadlines.  All this while running a home, caring for a young family and aging parents.  A lot of balls to keep in the air and things didn’t always go to plan where my health was concerned.

My life experience, together with my Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching qualification provides me with an understanding of the issues facing employees and organisations.  I haven’t always made the right choices, however, I now have first-hand experience of just how powerful the right diet and lifestyle choices are on energy, mood, sleep and overall mental and physical health.  It is this experience that allows me to move companies and employees forward on their respective wellness journeys, no matter where the starting point.

My services:

  • Support the mental and physical wellbeing of employees; 
  • Allow an organisation to be recognised internally and by the wider community as one that provides support to help its employees feel happy and fulfilled in their roles;
  • Foster an improvement in employee satisfaction, productivity and absenteeism.

How I Can Support
Your Company

Before setting up ENRICHED, I spent 30 years working in the corporate market.  I held many different roles within the financial services sector, which necessitated travel, managing projects, teams and working to tight deadlines.  All this while running a home, caring for a young family and aging parents.  A lot of balls to keep in the air and things didn’t always go to plan where my health was concerned.

My life experience, together with my Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching qualification provides me with an understanding of the issues facing employees and organisations.  I haven’t always made the right choices, however, I now have first-hand experience of just how powerful the right diet and lifestyle choices are on energy, mood, sleep and overall mental and physical health.  It is this experience that allows me to move companies and employees forward on their respective wellness journeys, no matter where the starting point.

My services:

  • Support the mental and physical wellbeing of employees; 
  • Allow an organisation to be recognised internally and by the wider community as one that provides support to help its employees feel happy and fulfilled in their roles;
  • Foster an improvement in employee satisfaction, productivity and absenteeism.

Corporate Wellness Services


Delivered on a one-to-one and group basis, on-site or virtually, to support employees in making healthier food and lifestyle choices within a busy work and home schedule.



Delivered onsite or virtually. Virtual presentations can be live or recorded to facilitate the rollout to employees at times to suit work schedules. Support material/ebooks available.



A great service for employees who may need additional support regarding their specific health goals.  Clinics can be onsite or virtual.



Provision of written content on a regular or one-off basis: recipes, quizzes and health & wellness articles linked to awareness day or topics of interest.


My Approach

Corporate wellness packages are tailored to meet the specific needs of your company and employee profile.  The process of finding the right solution follows these four steps:


Assess the health & wellness needs of your Company and employees

  • Meet with appropriate personnel within the company to discuss and advise on the challenges, issues and areas of health and wellness to be addressed.
  • May also include surveys/audits on a cross-section of employees to establish common needs as well as the identification of KPIs for measuring results as part of Step 4.


Design a suitable intervention framework

  • Relevant to the findings from Step 1, a wellness package is designed and tailored to address the specific needs of your organisation, employees and budget.


Rollout interventions

  • Rollout of services either virtually or on-site in a format and timeframe appropriate to the wellness package agreed and suitable for the company and its employees.


Measure the impact of the interventions

  • Individual and group progress can be measured through changes in body composition statistics and health & energy scores.
  • Collation of this data can also be used to support ‘Return on Investment’ and changes in relevant KPIs identified as part of Step 1.
  • Staff satisfaction surveys can also be completed following the rollout of a wellness programme

Corporate Clients

4 Pillars of Health

Whether your goal is to lose weight, manage stress, improve sleep, mood or energy, achieving a balance across the ‘4 Pillars of Health’ is key. These pillars are intimately related. As a result, when it comes to your overall health, you will only ever be as healthy as your weakest pillar. My 360 degree approach shows you what changes will deliver this balance so that you can achieve your goals and experience an uplift in overall health.


More Information

Learn to eat in a way that supports your goals. Knowing WHAT and WHEN to eat and how it impacts YOUR body is a game changer. When you begin to tune in to the messages your body is sending, you can respond with the nourishment it needs and begin to thrive.


More Information

We all know that movement and exercise supports physical and mental wellbeing, however,
too much of the wrong type can be just as unhelpful
to health as too little. Find out what is the best type and mix of movement for you and how to fit it into your day.


More Information

Sometimes confused with being Selfish – let me tell you it’s not! Give yourself permission to relax. A 10 minute daily practice can build stress resilience banks to
support overall wellness and combat the crippling effects that chronic stress can have
on the body.


More Information

The most powerful, yet sometimes least prioritised, of the pillars. Sleep does a lot of the heaving lifting when it comes to health. You know how energised you feel after a good nights sleep – your food choices, exercise goals and life in general just seems easier!

Start the Process

Get in touch to find out the best solution to support the health & happiness of your employees.