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Here’s what some of my clients say about working with me.


I initially came to Louisa as I had been slowly gaining weight for about 9 months and was really struggling with it. Louisa gave me very practical advice on dealing with cravings and ways to up my water intake as well as providing me with meal plans that I could dip in and out of. As well as losing weight, I also found that I had increased energy and improved digestion. Louisa was also very focused on helping to reduce and manage my stress levels which was something that I had not initially seen to be a problem! I thoroughly enjoyed the programme and found it very useful.

Bronagh, Dublin

Since working with Louisa my life has taken a turn for the better. I did think to myself it’s now or never and I know I made the right choice. I am a much healthier and happy person than I was four or five months ago. I am more content, have much more energy, sleeping very well, managing stress much better, eating healthy food and losing weight. Overall I am a new person. Now it has become part of my everyday life

I love planning meal times and knowing in advance what I am going to cook for that day. Planning and knowing what to buy in the Supermarket is important, Now I can make good choices as regards what I eat. I have shed 9lbs so far and it has made such a difference to my energy levels.

I have built Louisa’s self-care morning ritual into my routine and this is a lovely way to spend ten minutes every morning before the day starts. I sometimes sit in my greenhouse, close my eyes take deep breaths and let the world pass me by.

Part of the new me now takes time out to do some reading, breathing exercises and some meditation. I enjoy filling in my food diary every day and this only takes a few minutes

My confidence and self-worth has increased. I now look in the mirror and like what I see. Weekly check-ins and Louisa’s support and understanding has been the key to my success

Sheila, Age 67, Dublin 13

Covid 19 knocked me out of my routine. I began picking at food for no reason, I fell out of routine with exercise, I drank more than usual and had no patience. This is turn resulted in me feeling tired, feeling low, anxious, no patience, bad skin and overall feeling negative about myself. I spoke with Louisa to see if there was anything she could do to help me get back on track before I derailed completely.

Working with Louisa on the Re-Invent programme helped me get back into routine. More than that it made me realise that for me, organisation is key and taking time for me is much more important than I realised, be in 30 minutes or 10 minutes.
Setting weekly goals encouraged me to get back moving and get back to cooking again, cooking proper homemade meals.

This was never about weight loss for me, it was about feeling back to myself, been educated on nutrition, having energy, getting back into the kitchen cooking and been able to handle stress differently. Weekly consultations with Louisa left me feeling motivated, energised and ready to smash my targets for the week, which were all very achievable.

4 weeks after finishing I am doing weekly meal plans on a Sunday, getting out for either walks/runs/sea swims/ going to the gym, NOT beating myself up if I don’t make a run or if I have a picky afternoon/evening. My energy levels have increased and I am handling stressful situations much better.

Making time for myself is now something I do every day, and if it’s not a walk/run/swim, then I make sure that I do 10 minutes meditation on the calm app before bed. For anyone looking to get back on track , I would highly recommend the Re-Invent programme and working with Louisa to succeed in achieving sustainable long term change .

Olwyn, Dublin 13

I would like to thank you for the help that you gave me. You made it much easier to change my lifestyle over the four or five weeks during which I saw you. First of all, the first time I heard you at the GAA club giving that presentation you made everything easy to understand and it seemed to me to be the right thing to do. Secondly, once I had the first session with you, it became even easier to understand why and how I could make the changes to my lifestyle.

Thirdly, once I started to make those changes, you were very helpful with your tips and encouragement. Lastly, the changes that you helped me to make were simple and so obvious that it made it easier to get to where I am now, down in weight by 5kgs in as many weeks, (heading slowly to my ideal weight), eating healthy but tasty food, less stressed and sleeping well! Thank you very much!

Paul, Dublin

Before I went to Louisa, I was recovering from a fractured ankle and the passing of my Father. I had stopped exercising, was eating without thinking and not getting enough sleep and as a result my energy levels were low and I wasn’t feeling good about myself.

Louisa gave me the tools to change my habits. I also realised that with some small changes, I could achieve significant improvements in my lifestyle. What I enjoyed most was that I quickly saw results, I felt better, I lost the right amount of weight, I was a lot calmer and less stressed and was enjoying my life more! I am definitely living in the moment!

Overall, I feel I am living a healthier lifestyle and my overall wellbeing has improved thanks to Louisa! Louisa helped me understand the impact of eating certain foods, particularly carbohydrates & the importance of protein with every meal. As a result, I’m comfortable with my weight. The idea of the food diary really helped me and even now if I go off track, I go back to keeping a food diary.

I had always done high intensity exercise and I now mix it up with a ‘wind down’ yoga at night and a lot more walks. I walk to work most days and this really helps with my overall wellbeing. I’ve really worked on living a less frenetic lifestyle and I’m happy about that.

For anyone thinking of working with Louisa I would say go for it – you won’t regret it!. It is the best investment you will make for yourself.

Emer Crowley, Age 53, Dublin 13

The Enriched programme helped me regain my power over sugar and get rid of my afternoon energy slumps. Louisa’s guidance, advice and motivation helped me to eventually win my war on sugar and its manic cravings. I have established healthy eating habits and well-being tools for life.

Week 7 with no cake, no sweets no chocolate no biscuits. I am still making my yummy almond butter and loving Greek yogurt.

Sarah, Dublin

Before I began working with Louisa on the Enriched Programme, I was not sleeping very well. I was feeling more stressed and eating lots of sweet food to give me energy. What I enjoyed most about the experience was our one on one chats and I loved been accountable to Louisa. Now, I am drinking more water, sleeping better, less stressed and am using the calm app every morning for my meditation.

I really enjoyed working with you Louisa . You have a lovely way about you and are very knowledgeable on all things nutrition & health. For anyone thinking of working with Louisa on a one to one programme I would say – go for it, you won’t regret it!

Lorraine, Age 53, Dublin

Before starting to work with Louisa I was tired and my energy was very low. Stress was leading to bad eating patterns. I needed a little help to get healthy habits. I am so happy that I stuck with the program. I now understand how important healthy clean eating is for my mind and body. I loved having the accountability. The bloating, brain fog and mood swings are gone. The calmness and clarity I have now is unbelievable. It was the best investment ever and it’s an investment for me and me alone, but everyone around me has benefitted.

Ann Nixon, Age 51, Dublin 4

Before I started the ENRICHED programme, I was experiencing low energy, bloating and weight gain.  I had been Yo-Yo dieting, and had a fear that nothing was ever going to work

What was different about the ENRICHED programme was the visualisation techniques that Louisa used as well as realistic goal setting and honesty around what would or would not happen.  Louisa’s advice and tips around what would suit me were supportive and reassured me that I wasn’t doing this alone.

Quite early into the programme,  I realised that I wasn’t as hungry as usual which meant that I wasn’t thinking about food and worrying that I would get hungry.

Nowadays, life is much better as I’m not as distracted by body image so I can start living.  I’m eating to live and not the other way around.  To anyone considering working with Louisa, I would say ‘Absolutely do it!’.  This is such a worthwhile investment in yourself if you want to change habits around eating patterns and start living.

JM, Female, Age 47, Dublin 3