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psychotic female monologues from published plays

One night, Mary hears Nick get out of bed and go down to the garage. . And everybody is in each others lives and business. All the time! In an age of trying to find out who we are (what our Chuck is), this teen is caught up in the greatest unknowndeath. (Female, Dramatic, 18-22, Depression) Lets see if Shirley Temple and Keith Moon had a love child, shed definitely be Sally. Do you (gunshot) Harold, please! When I was completing my MFA in Playwriting at CMU, I helped actor's prepare for their Senior Showcase presentations. THE ALTRUISTS (SYDNEY) DOWN FOR THE COUNT (WENDY) POST MORTEM (BETSY) 20 Funny Contemporary Comedic Monologues For Women From Plays. The only other people we know are Greeks, cause Greeks marry Greeks to breed more Greeks, to be loud breeding Greek eaters. (Male, Comedic, Late Teens 40s) This speech is the start of a monologue play about a young man who volunteers in old peoples homes, and suffers paroxysms of love and hate for the residents. New Plays for Teens Anyway, thats whats complicated. Just click Shakespeare! Id never felt such exhilaration! . losing weight every week. Excuse me, Barney. (Female, Dramatic, Teens 40s) Does your personal religion or philosophy include a life after death? (Harold points his gun at his mother), Oh, yes, indeed. I used to touch myself when I was very little, I thought Id invented something wonderful. (She drinks some wine.) Two oclock in the morning, he leans over, taps me on the shoulder and says, Ive had an affair with Charlotte Korman. Who asked him? In fact, out of her a**hole! Absolutely not. What durst move you, sir,To think me whorish, a name which Id tear outFrom the high Germans throat if it lay ledger thereTo dispatch privy slanders against me?In thee I defy all men, their worst hatesAnd their best flatteries, all their golden witchcraftsWith which they entangle the poor spirits of fools,Distressed needlewomen, and trade-falln wives.Fish that must needs bite or themselves be bitten,Such hungry things as these may soon be tookWith a worm fastned on a golden hook:Those are the lechers food, his prey; he watchesFor quarrelling wedlocks, and poor shifting sisters:Tis the best fish he takes. . There was booze but there were too many snacks and not enough Ann Summers toys or something. Im sure you two will have like, a real bitchin time. Rosalind (in disguise as a male) explains to Orlando how his brother fell in love so quickly. Theyd made some effort. And Mr Podkolyosin isnt too bad, either. ITS ALL THE FOOD SHES BEEN SPITTING OUT! . Which was fair enough. Judge Dredd Digital - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. MAL-I-BU BAR-BIE! 2. My aunt died of influenza, so they said. 2. These monologues are great for auditioning and for working on your craft. And as for father ladling the gin down her throat, it wouldnt have killed her. Most successful female playwright since who? A monologue from the play by Thomas Middleton and Thomas Dekker. Arent I a human being? . But not in a bad way. DELICATE! [] Well, if he refuses, instead of breaking my heart at his indifference, Ill only break my glass for its flattery, set my cap to some newer fashion, and look out for some less difficult admirer. Autumns thoughts and speech instantly take flight. but even at their best dinner at Antoines or a really good bed partner (and God knows there were never many of them) food and making love cant hold a candle to sleep. Regina George. He explained it to me. Its a wonder you didnt notice. My late husband, Fester. (Male or Female, Dramatic, Teens) No, no, I wont whichever comes out, so be it. This character sits in a church at a funeral for one of their classmates. LEAH. Mum apologised a week later for it being crap. Her mother has stopped eating and Melinda knows that she is dying. (comes out of the store with bags in tow) What does she want with Josh anyway? My Fair Lady. There is no more affinity betwixt virtue and marriage than betwixt a man and his horse. Wear your bathing suit whenever possible. 8 of the Best Monologues for Women Who Speak Their Mind : PerformerStuff More Good Stuff It appears that you are outside of North America. Lifes so trying for a girl, especially when shes in love. Lets take you and Erica. Minus one pound fifty exactly just to see if shed notice. Setting: A HOUSE Age range: 15-50 (any age) Description: MELINDA, a woman in her 20s-40s, speaks to her friend, Lauren. It's been getting in the way of their relationship and in this one act play, Cassandra and Robert decide if they should continue dating because of it. The Crucible 11. It is the end of term, Mack and Benny are graduating and the contract is up on their flat. At this point in the play he has decided to talk to a Neuropsychiatrist after having a rough experience with a physic. Looking for killer audition monologues? We listen to the city with her for a while.) It was a monument of my castoff dinners, only I hadnt built it with food. I might pumice my feet. just barely touching and I felt myself gathering together more and more and I felt angry with Clive and angry with my mother and I went on and on defying them. Why, thou foolish jade, thou wilt be as ill used, and as much neglected, as if thou hadst married a lord! No ones care who you are but you, what you do but you, who you inappropriately f*** but you. But howeerThou and the baser world censure my life,Ill send em word by thee, and write so muchUpon thy breast, cause thou shalt beart in mind:Tell them twere base to yield where I have conquerd.I scorn to prostitute myself to a man,I that can prostitute a man to me:And so I greet thee. (She puts the papers back in her purse.) You fit for a knights beddrowsy browed, dull eyed, drossy spritedI hold my life you have forgot your dancing: when was the dancer with you? Julia, a poor, depressed young woman without health insurance seeks free help under the care of Dr. Nukulye, an Anglo-Kenyan psychiatry resident seeking certification in the U.S. WHICH IM SURE IS PERFECTLY BLEACHED! Its actually not that hard to believe if youve ever tried to have a conversation with her. The husbands Id have, if Id married all that had wanted to marry me! Do you often get the feeling that perhaps life isnt worth living? Hmm, what is it, Harold? But my father, he kept ladling gin down her throat. These monologues from plays all feature three-dimensional females with space for an actress to show off her character talent. Oh, (chuckles into her hand ) stupid Frank wrote this. Gin was as mothers milk to her. Yes, were all thinking it. Huh! A list of Shakespearean monologues categorized alphabetically by comedy, history and tragedy. Unfortunately, Dr. Nukulyes insistence that she has repressed homosexuality leads to his suggestion that she seek the help of a surrogate female sex partner. Thinking the bear told on her discovery and got her in trouble, she defaces it and hides the evidence away from the world. . 15 Monologues from Published Plays ACTING DIFFERENT Cassandra lets her boyfriend know how she doesn't appreciate the fact that he acts completely different in front of his friends. Am I right? [] He must have more striking features to catch me, I promise you. That would be the day! After he decided he couldnt come to my birthday party because it was too much of a commitment I decided that Id give him my Virginia County. Im majorly, totally, butt crazy in love with Josh! 3. shell certainly have this Gayless: nay, were she as well convinced of his poverty as I am, shed have him. There is so much to hear if you just stay quiet and listen for it. just to think, Cause were always together, just eating, eating, eating! A monologue from the screen play by Colin Higgins. . My boyfriend, Johnny Miller, had his dad drive us to see Ike and Tina Turner at the Hollywood Bowl. . . But, as the monologues point out, women, like men are just as different from each other and their motivations, remain human. You can be completely anonymous here. Should sex education be taught outside the home? Oh, I would say no, wouldnt you, Harold? gigantic Viennese pastry! Monologue 2. Although I dont know where those fit in, metaphysically speaking. Her past dysfunctional sexual relationships haunt her through the guise of an Everyman Lover who lives mostly in Julias mind. SHADOWS OF MY MIND Naomi doesn't want to suffer from her darker self and discusses her behavior and emotional problems with her Aunt. You may receive a verification email. . . Why should she die of influenza when she come through diphtheria right enough the year before? I consider it morbid. . This standalone monologue is entitled MARY, the widow. Mary (late 20s+) is praying to God in confession. A Comedic and Dramatic Monologue for Women from the Play, ANNIE JUMP AND THE LIBRARY OF HEAVEN by Reina Hardy 'Annie Jump and the Library of Heaven' (KJ): "I can't afford to screw this up" April 6, 2022 And if you dont, Im ! So Im saying it to you now, whatre you now, 11? Theres never anything you want to play! Peter has recently hanged himself. . I really hate going to the doctors office. Worthing, I Confess ..". He doesnt want me to see her. Why is that? It was wintertime, because I noticed Id left some crayons on top of my radiator and theyd melted down into these beautiful shimmering globs, like spilled jello, trembling and pulsing. Helena is depressed as Demetrius doesn\'t love her anymore. . She is my sister and everything butDont get me wrong. Dont I deserve love? Genre: Dramatic monologues Type: Monologues by women Length: Each monologue is about 4 - 5 minutes long except American girl, which is 7-8 minutes long. Home; Events; Get on the List! Suitable for: PG 16 Ages of the actors: Teens up to to fifties, depending on the monologue Set: Simple sets - a podium, a child's bed, a table and chair Marry? Ever since you got engaged, everything has turned to shit. Not even enough to support my eyeliner habit. Look at this shower! Because the loathing I pour into these pages is so ripe, so full-to-bursting, that it is my firm belief that anyone. To give an instance and this is true and very very illustrative everyone came to my eighteenth-birthday party . Afterwards I thought Id betrayed Clive. She borrowed it and now . It was the most bad-assed thing Id ever seen a woman do. Had to cancel all her cards. 1. Oh man she scared the shit out of me! A monologue from the Play "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare. I saw the band X at The Whiskey and I fell in love with punk rock. This toxin will be passed upwardsit is the nature of bureaucracies to pass things verticallytill eventually. Wait a second, what am I stressing about, this is like, Josh. Ive spent over twenty years living breathing f***ing sucking eating sleeping dreaming all things rock and roll. And you know why he told me, Barney? She gave no warning, leaving only a note for Colin by way of explanation. You might like to read Camus The Stranger, if you have not already done so. This shilly-shallying with the question is absurd. Sixty-two. . I kept it hidden under blankets during the day. Theyve gone. like when youre making love; and bad dreams even the worst ones are soon forgotten. Thats Sally. Then she come to so sudden that she bit the bowl off the spoon. The boys have been partying. You are now subscribed to our More Good Stuff maling list. Have you played over all your old lessons othe virginals? And my whole family is big and loud. Sorry, Debbie, no Mercedes this year. This standalone monologue is entitled SANDRA, the Writer. Sandra is speaking to a doctor, a psychiatrist. Oh and this whole Josh and Ty thing was wiggin me more than anything. ahhhh, the frosting! . No. A Raisin In The Sun 9. I don't do that stuff. So, did I really wanna be sluggin it out in little clubs still chasing that rock n roll dream when I was 45? I could not bear it. Serial Dater female monologue about a black widow from the darkly comic play Lacey's Last Chance. That was 20 years ago. You can do anything you want as long as youre honest about it. Featured by the NYC Playwrights Project "Women in the Age of Trump." This . AFTER THREE MONTHS THAT RADIATOR WAS . . In this inner monologue, this teen tries to make sense of the suicide that happened, observing the service; one classmate cant make it through singing Amazing Grace in the choir. Alphabetical List of Plays by Title and Author, NEW PLAY SCRIPTS New Contemporary Plays, AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALANDER PLAYS contemporary Australian and New Zealander plays, PLAYS FOR THE HOLIDAYS (CHRISTMAS, THANKSGIVING, NEW YEARS AND CHANUKAH), American Plays Contemporary American plays, British Plays Contemporary British plays, CHILDRENS PLAYS: Plays for Primary and Elementary School, Science Fiction Stage Play Scripts Sci-fi and fantasy, TWO HANDER SCRIPTS PLAYS FOR TWO ACTORS, MEDIUM LENGTH ONE ACT PLAYS TWENTY FIVE TO FORTY MINUTES, NINETY MINUTE PLAYS one and half hour scripts, TWO AND A HALF HOUR TO THREE HOUR LONG PLAYS, How to Write a Great Script how to write a play, Read a Sample of the Script monologue 49 (The assassin), Read a Sample of the Script monologue 150 (Death row), Read a Sample of the Script monologue 3 (The mother), Read a Sample of the Script monologue 21 (The American girl), Contact Off The Wall Plays with any queries about Lady Killers, Finding my Root a South African monologue as a one act play, Gray Matters funny monologue about the guy who runs your brain, The Ship Has Sailed ten minute drama script, American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, La Biblioteca Interactiva de Baos Fundacion Arte del Mundo. You are now subscribed to our More Good Stuff maling list. . Fabulation, or the Re-Education of Undine. His violence and altered personality take a toll on their family. (pause) Oh my god! Like, you never just have a minute alone. And now youre taking it out on her daughter, arent you? Josh needs someone with imagination, someone to take care of him, someone to laugh at his jokes in case he ever makes anythe suddenly. Notes: This is a very funny monologue. This is it for you. I wanted to die. You wanna know how I got these scars? I need a monologue from a published play about a woman going crazy. Had you been hanged, it would not have vexed me, for that might have been your misfortune; but to do such a mad thing by choice! I love Josh! (Finishes her glass of wine and pours herself another one.) It took incredible will power not to let go, but I held on, whispering, Mags, if you let go of this crayon, youll be run over by a truck on Newberry Street, so help you God! . . DON'T LEAVE ME WITHOUT MUFFIN A terrible parting between mother and daughter. . All I ever wanted was a Ballerina Barbie in her pretty pink tutu. Cause all those things would be exponentially cooler than going to Prom with you. But by the end of the day it was like the more, the merrier. A Bright Room Called Day. Ooo! (Pats around for something. I was wrong about Elton, I was wrong about Christian, and now Josh hated me. As for marriagetheres plenty of time for that. Two love struck actors audition for Broadway and are confronted with questions that are afraid to answer and routines that lead them into questioning their lives. All of the other kids from school are there, while his/her mom sits in the back of the church, waiting until its over to take him/her home. I do lewd things. . Im difficult to explain without sounding thick but me and her dont fit like that. Indeed, virtue gets up upon marriage sometimes and manageth it in the right way, but marriage is of another piece; for as a horse may be without a man, and a man without a horse. Now, thats them ready! Whats that? A monologue from the play by Caryl Churchill. Free audition monologues for women, men, girls and boys. Newly revised and expanded, the book includes the author's own assessment of each monologue. In the old days I would have gone to my grave ignorant of the wonderful and beautiful knowledge that my husband was spending his afternoons humping Charlotte Korman!. It was more like a rout! Right you just take Katrina in the douche packer to Prom. Depression Monologues for Females 1 "Diane, when I knew for certain that Maurice had fallen into the sea, that they had recovered his body, that he was buried in German soil, then I felt that I should never live another moment. I told him he didnt have to say that. Except this Signor Baron, the ill-mannered lout! . Hiding. . (She rummages in her purse and pulls them all out instead of one.) Illness of any kind is hardly a thing to be encouraged in others. I see a young woman. I am very happy for you. I can think of so many cooler things to do that night. It really is difficult to decide, you cant begin to describe it. . Is this what you want Lillian!? Nothing can hurt you when youre sleeping: you dont put on weight; theres no pressure to make anybody happy (including yourself). And as a result, the women become more and more productive and therefore, more and more interesting. So, II killed. Arent you?! Im here so I dont need to go there. What is Performerstuff? THE BAD GUYS 14. We attack from below. Stupid f***ing cookie! Bates. Who knows what she saw in me - wearing Barry's. 89 views 0 comments monologues4actors Aug 4, 2021 2 min Unbearable Hotness, by Gabriel Davis, Beatrice monologue, 'Im more man than you.' And when did it become okay for one person to be the boss of everybody, huh? And its giving me a fearsome headache. I wish you well and I wont bother you anymore. (Female, Dramatic, Young Adult, Violence) So, I maimed. 15 Best Classical Monologues For Women From Plays. I found my own materials. . He hasnt met the woman yet who knows how to set about him. 1: Female Monologues.. Trees, grapes, most garden equipment, and hair product a good friend of the family, Emily, is convinced that her little baby, Shawna, who was delivered stillborn just last spring, has come back to life as a George Foreman Grill. SET THIS! Can God influence our lives? Oh, yes, absolutely yes. The festivities continue the following evening when the boys are joined by Timps girlfriend Laura and Sophie, who we soon understand is having a secret relationship with Mack. (Female, Dramatic, Young Adult, Transgender) Sorry about dinner, Deb, the Pope has a cold. Husband number two: the senator. COFFEE TABLE Melanie lives in a psycho ward talking to people that aren't really there but what if they are? Copyright [2021] Mighty Actor, DRAMATIC MONOLOGUES FOR TEENS/KIDS (BOYS), DRAMATIC MONOLOGUES FOR TEENS/KIDS (GIRLS), 20 Best Contemporary Comedic Monologues For Women From Plays, 11. And despite the fact that youre little girlfriend gave me the stink eye in our class yesterday. teetering sweet. () Yes, you are a dull maid alate, methinks you had need have somewhat to quicken your green sickness; do you weep? . Sorry. Here, she plays Susanna, as she is discharged from the mental hospital with the wild menagerie of characters. Home | Uncategorized | 35 Comedic Monologues for Women, A monologue from the play by Tony Kushner. Generous. Which, in turn, makes them even less desirable because as we all know, men- especially older men- are threatened and afraid of productive, interesting women. . Why should Caesar get to stomp around like a giant while the rest of us try not to get smushed under his big feet? The Godfather Part II: A short but powerful monologue from Kay Corleone (Diane Keaton), the abused and bitter wife of a short but powerful Italian Don (crime boss). I touch my face, it was there, my arm, my breast, and my hand sent down where I thought it shouldnt, and I thought well there is somebody there. What are you ashamed that we did it? You look like a nice couple. Nothing personal, but I dont think were going to have our affair. A? "Well, Tommy has proposed to Lady Bracknell has become aware of Jack's intentions toward Gwendolyn. Mother used to jokingly call him "the slave." When I grew up, I expected to find a husband as loving and selfless as my father. Ssssh! I came here to this house. He said it anyway. In this monologue, Erynne talks to her boyfriend Nemo about the death and suicide of her sister Dierdre. What Didn't Happen 12. Upon learning of his heritage, the romance cannot be allowed. The Adventure of the Seed, a 5-minute monologue play. And thats what I mean about But they were bored and it was quite shit and they thought itd be quite funny to leave, and it sort of was, you know? Your mom and dad take you to church and theyll teach you about thy neighbors and love and thy and dont and do. Mack, Cam, Timp and Benny share a flat in Edinburgh. All of this ties together when she explains that shes been going to doctors in an attempt to diagnose her depression. . Why? Oh, if only I could draw out Baltazar no, what am I saying? My defenses drop. You've come to the right place! All of them! I quickly glanced towards the radiator to see if it was covered. And I was on antidepressants for a while, when I was her age. Well, let me fill you in. Why should a mortal man, the sport of chance, With no assured foreknowledge, be afraid? RED: glazed cherries laced with rum . Them she lived with would have killed her for a hatpin, let alone a hat. He loved his country. I mean, what was my problem? Are you honestly and truly going to Prom with Katrina De Voort? HULLABALOO Maggie is deeply distressed over her son who spent the previous night in the slammer. Then shes quite gone;Theres no means to help her, nay, for a need,Wilt swear unto thy credulous fellow lechersThat thart more in favour with a ladyAt first sight than her monkey all her lifetime.How many of our sex by such as thouHave their good thoughts paid with a blasted nameThat never deserved loosely, or did tripIn path of whoredom beyond cup and lip?But for the stain of conscience and of soul,Better had women fall into the handsOf an act silent than a bragging nothing.Theres no mercy int. My first husband, the heart surgeon. 63. Women of Choiceis a collection of monologues, each spoken by a woman who has made a significant choice in her life. Once married, got up his head above, a stiff, crooked, knobby, inflexible, tyrannous creature he grows; then they turn like water, more you would embrace, the less you hold. GoodFellas Synopsis: A woman tries to say a few words at her son's funeral, but when a cell phone rings, she digresses into a frustrated funny tangent about the ills of cell phones in modern life. Over the course of 34 years, Venita, Maggie, and Sarah confront social and political issues as they fight to assert their identity and protect their friendship. For some reason, my guidance counselor took an interest in me. The poor fool. An email redemption code has been sent to the receiver. . Provides a variety of monologues, scenes, and audition pieces along with Wed only been together six weeks then he decided itd be too much of a thing. When I was of your bord, he missed me not a night, I was kept at it; I took delight to learn, and he to teach me, pretty brown gentleman, he took pleasure in my company; but you are dull, nothing comes nimbly from you, you dance like a plumbers daughter, and deserve two thousand pounds in lead to your marriage, and not in goldsmiths ware. Take a lot of pictures. And I didnt want to like, marry you? I told you she wanted to go to Paris. See, here he is. They took me in, accepted me, but did any of you love me? Abe didnt come to the party. There are not many husbands and wives who can bear the charges of plaguing one another in a handsome way. . And truth to tell, though hes rather stout, Mr Omelets still a fine figure of a man. She is my sister and family is sacred. Oedipus the King. I just have a yeast infection, AGAIN! . To get it back. and nothing was said, and I never did it again till this year. Foreigner talks with her translator after he has returned with food and beer. Character: Sister James . Here is the first question. And my hearts pounding. Even though they have class together at school, Travis and Erynne dont know each other. Must be Friday. Yes Lord love you! . Here is she going to throw away fifteen thousand pounds; upon what? and wears high heels and sexy business suits, she is SBF1s best friend, confidante, and alter ego. My father, was a drinker, and a fiend. I mean, every single one of the twenty-five I invited and all were important but also everyone left my birthday party every single one of the twenty-five at 10.30 p.m. Unfortunately, because of copyright restrictions, we cannot sell to persons in your country. Its all her fault. Shes alone with the coffin. Let fate decide. Right? Oh! Sometimes I do it three times in one night and it really is great fun. Lucky for her, shes a trust fund baby. It is just so clear! . They all thought she was dead. Nobody else whos ever stopped at this Inn has ever treated me so! 2. In this monologue, Blaine speaks to his newborn baby about his mentally retarded sister Dale. Mable only has eyes for Lord Goring. Monologues for Women from Plays Movie Monologues for Women 'Better Call Saul' (Kim): "If we'd had a house, I never would have wanted to leave" 'Annie Jump and the Library of Heaven' (Annie): "Daddy, I know what I want to do with my life" 'Annie Jump and the Library of Heaven' (Annie): "You are being really, really, really mean" if you could call what happened a rescue. You know what it is to wake up from a sound sleep with no eyelashes and a dry mouth and hear that your husband is getting it from a woman youre not allowed to see for lunch? Your registration has been updated. Monologues MENTALLY DISTURBED MALE/ FEMALE DRAMATIC 1min 35-70 YEARS OLD (To total strangers) What a beautiful wife. Husbands Id have, if you just take Katrina in the slammer when she explains shes! God in confession it and hides the evidence away from the play he returned. 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psychotic female monologues from published plays