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judicial caning in saudi arabia

Totally absurd.It only shows mean mindedness and cheap thinking. May I ask why the government is so interested in the personal affairs of its citizens? Imagine, all the countries retaliate the same way when they visit other countries. C. Holder is the author of A Judicial Caning in Saudi Arabia - A Kane Magazine Short Story (0.0 avg rating, 0 ratings, 0 reviews) Public punishment in modern world shame by Facebook | Russell Webster, Dating In Saudi Arabia: Tips & Advice - Banker in the Sun. ", Among women subjected to the lash in the Saudi prison of Malaz in 1993 was an Indonesian maid who, according to a fellow prisoner, "had been starved and tortured for two years. The flogging and imprisonment sentences against the Arab woman and two Saudi men were upheld by the country's appeal court. Its hard to understand the motive behind the article. Great Post, i too enjoyed the line people too happy to be related i thought now there is a line that no matter where you live, how you grow up or what you believe you get! [4]:160 It has been claimed that the reforms will establish a system for codifying Sharia and incorporating the principle of judicial precedent into court practice. their relationship started a year ago and im wondering why the authorities can not catch them. The website of the Saudi Center for Business Arbitration provides an Arbitration Fees Calculator by entering the amount of the dispute to be calculated in Saudi riyals and US dollars. the person who offered the position was a wealthy lady and had with her a maid from malaysia and treated like a slave .if that saudi rich woman did that in europe or america she would be scraping herown pots ironing her own clothes and so on .irecently saw adocumentary about the pakistani workers in the oil field and its scandalous .THEY ARE SLAVES.a handful of people have toomutch andthe rest go hungry. The Court, in this case, works as a subject court and not a court of enforcing regulations. Especially for expats.. (In other countries where JCP is used a lot, such as Singapore and Malaysia, there are still very many court sentences that do not include caning.) i am not lying. In earlier years' editions it was "frequently". His best bet is to dress like a muttawa, start to grow a beard, hold his head down and look remorseful. these punishments are meted out on the people in the name of religion and Islam preaches it is a religion of peace, where is the peace if it cannot tolerate its own people.I think that the Quran that dictates all these barbaric punishments should be rewritten to make it more tolerable and humane . June 2001 article in The Guardian (London), largely recycling information from Amnesty reports, including a first-person account of being flogged. hahaha .. A party requesting an arbitration should fill out the Request for Arbitration From and submit it to SCCA and send a copy of the Request to the Respondent. Please remember when commenting the reason we suspended similar punishments in developed western countries wasnt because we felt the death sentence was too harsh (or barbaric as one poster put it) for any crime. The Quran tells us: not to make friendship with Jews and Christians (5:51), kill the disbelievers wherever we find them (2:191), murder them and treat them harshly (9:123), fight and slay the Pagans, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (9:5). and you will never find a single clue about QURAN that has been amended or not through out the history. You cant really compare the harshness of the American legal system with the shear mediaeval barbarity of the Saudi one. He should also tell the judge that since the incident, he has become a born again Muslim. Currently, Saudi Arabia has a dual judicial system comprised of the Shari'ah Courts System (al-Mahakim al-Shariy'ah) and an independent administrative judiciary known as the Board of Grievances (Diwan a l-Mazalem). like my husband and his mistress do you have any idea how to report them to the mutawa and let them be caught while being together during week ends. You say that jacqueline I believe youre french so why is there so much theft here in our country if you find the solution ? Quite frankly, the act of cutting off a persons hand, for anyone for any reason is just pain wrong. By refusing to comment on you are silently approving of these inhuman punishments. First off all, all praises be to Allh, you have said the law which Saudi implements is cruel. Sharia Law is inferior to Common Law developed in England and what is better is that we have a complete separation of Church / Mosque & State. If the defendant is absent from the initial hearing and his attorney or representative was not informed, consideration of the case will be postponed to a later hearing in which the defendant will be notified. Same goes for over-the-top (see: almost all) christianity. Communities who accept the different talents from all members do much better off than those that supress and hold members to preconceived ideas about their roles. Keep on the good work, saudiwoman! let me know what will be the solution for a person. I am in fact glad there is something akin to chaperoned dating, and group dating, so that people can get to know each other better (leaving aside the sex issue for the moment). Only a brutal society that could tolerate amputation for theft or indeed decapitation. I remember how angry they looked if someone SMILED as though a smile was an affront to them and God. In the Holy Quran, it states that four witnesses to the act have to be found for it to be punishable. @David, the last TESTAMENT of GOD is QURAN, Allah spoke to his Prophets before and also to the last messenger pbuh. Supplementing the Shariah courts is the Board of Grievances, which hears cases that involve the government. I was married to a citizen of Saudi Arabia. 2. never trust anything that is written in the contract, please get it translated before you sign. How do you know whether or not Muhammad suffered from schizophrenia? and any attempt made to justify (no matter how illogically) why women can be legally held fully accountable and punished under the law for their actions in a country that denies them adult legal status and where they are therefore deemed NOT responsible for their lives. Saudi Arabia - Judicial Costs Regulations. This difference in approach is supposed to reflect the idea that Saudi floggings are intended primarily as symbolic humiliation rather than intensely painful retribution, and is in line with a rule in the Koran that the operator is required to keep a copy of the holy book under his arm, so that he will not swing the whip from the shoulder but only from the elbow. but a coffee shop or resturant .. man that is sick! what i have discovered has gone around the world and many songs have been written about itthe foo fighters last 4 albumscoldplays last 4 albums From what I read, anal sex in gulf nations such as Saudi Arabia is very common. If someone has been given three chances to correct their brutality, cutting off their hand is justified. PICKTHAL: O ye who believe! I need help,i commit a mistake,at Jeddah international airport i rush to the restrooms due to stomach ache not knowing that is a womans restroom,but no one is there except the ladies cleaner and they shock that theres a man in womans restroom.what will i do?what is my punishment.there is also a camera in that area thats why i suddenly go away.any advice.its not my intension but due to my negligence. Inshallah. if yes like cutting head its very very very wrong boz both are agree male and female then why punishment?? In summary, Saudi Arabia has in the last few years implemented radical and wide-ranging reforms to increase efficiency and improve predictability within its legislative and judicial systems. In Saudi Arabia ALAH IS HAKBAR! Society that tolerates brutal punishment becomes brutal and violence becomes acceptable. [4]:160 The reforms have yet to be implemented in full but, once they are, will include the creation of a Supreme Court,[4]:160 and the transfer of the Board of Grievances' commercial and criminal jurisdictions to a restructured general court system. [4]:174 At present, there are two types of courts of first instance: general courts and summary courts dealing with lesser cases. If the plaintiff is absent from a hearing and does not present a valid and excusable reason that is accepted by the court, the court case will be cancelled. Is kingship is a Islamic system or own system made for fun? Ich bewundere die mutigen Frauen, die fr die Gleichberechtigung in ihrem Land kmpfen! Fourth case:Reviewing requests for reconsideration of judgments issued by it. Do you think its okay that Muhammad beheaded a whole tribe (banu qurayza) as if they were all guilty? For another video clip, showing a quite different kind of Saudi JCP or prison CP (falaka - whipping of the feet), see this separate page. To most Muslims, the Quran is like a software license. Approval of the draft law is issued after its presentation to the Council of Ministers in its capacity as the owner of the regulatory authority, in a secret session in which the draft is discussed and voted on in the presence of the concerned minister or his representative. Just search in google: I wanted to write a little comment to support you. why is that permissible? Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. It seems not to occur to any of the writers that, since the whole Saudi set-up, including the judicial system, is ruthlessly corrupt from top to bottom, convictions of innocent people are even more likely than in Britain. Video Footage Of A Public Execution In Surak City In Northern Iran Posted on January 14, 2016 HRANA News Agency - A prisoner identified as "A-B" was executed on charge of murder in public on the boulevard of Goharbaran in the Surak city, of Mazandaran Province, on 4 th January, and the following video report shows this execution. This was provoked by a 1997 case in which two British nurses were convicted of murder (but later released). SAUDI ARABIA: Judicial CP A very conservative version of Koranic law is in force in this exceptionally backward, corrupt and repressive country, a ruthless totalitarian dictatorship run by an absolute monarchy. For more details click here. What does it mean. Personally, I myself hold the view that even in case of a large-scale theft hands should not be cut off and there should not be any punishment for two unrelated people of opposite sex meeting in public. What kind of reasoning is that? I dont know how much of a long term impact this will have in KSA but its quite amazing that its being opened up for debate at this level. Its presence plays a major role in preserving the security and stability of it and the private and public interests of the people. In addition, the Kingdom has implemented significant reforms to the legal system, including the introduction of the 2018 . [4]:159 Cases are adjudicated by single judges,[4]:159 except criminal cases if the potential sentence is death, amputation or stoning when there is a panel of three judges. Some have been doomed from the very start a few, perhaps, were intended to be stillborn. Be aware, I am quiet curious or simply doubtful about saudiwoman. "The man who lashes the girl has to hold a Koran under his right arm as he beats her. Some reports (e.g. a sentence of 40 lashes was handed out to a 75-year-old woman in Saudi Arabia! Ok, but what about foreigners or tourists. Why is that? "But of course, it can still be very, very painful. The Ministerial Agency of Civil Affairs also launched the Taqdeer Service, which provides all the necessary services to the elderly by visiting them at home. Question, How is it a khilwa in a cafe where at least 5 other people are around? My heart breaks for you you are the perfect product of a perfect storm. The same information is repeated in the 2002 USSD report. If you have any ability to come to terms that you are nothing but a created soul, then humble yourself before your soul gets snatched from your body. , please if someone made a mistake to steal it doesnt mean she should be punished like that. The Judicial System of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 1. Another is that the guy takes his sister along and voila it is no longer a khilwa. 3.As soon as you enter Saudi Arabia, they will take your passport and hold it and control your movement back to your home country. Both my husband and I did not say anything so I dont know if it was cut off as punishment or due to an accident or illness but I bet lots of people wonder when they meet him. We didnt want judges to apply different standards to people living in the same country. However, its your point of view, at last we all have to return to God to answer what we did on earth. One reader describes being himself judicially caned in Saudi Arabia in 1994 (probably a hoax: it was in the Daily Mail). Hello, Im from Russia. It serves as a guideline for all legal matters in Saudi Arabia. SO PLEASE CHANGE THE LAWS PEOPLE LOVE EACH OTHER AND GET MARRIED THEN ONLY THERE LIVES WILL BE GOOD WE ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO INTERFARE IN THERE WORLD I CAN UNDERSTAND WAT OUR PROPHET (PUBH) SAID US BUT RETHINK IT YOUR ALSO A HUMAN SOME DAY U WILL ASLO DO THEY THINKING IN YOUR LIFE The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia provides all its citizens with their rights and guarantees a decent life for them. Stages of issuing laws in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: The first stage of issuing laws, and upon which the law-enactment process is established. This stage ends after the King's approval for the councils decision. However you find out the killer had a mental disorder from which he could be cured just by giving him one pill. Pingback: An Irreptitious Thief | Third News. The party initiating the arbitration shall pay the appropriate filing fee as per the SCCA Administrator and Arbitrators Fee Schedule. This implies that the Saudi authorities draw a distinction between "moral" offences to do with sex or alcohol, punished by caning, and political or religious crimes, punished by flogging with a leather strap. Local courts routinely order floggings, often of hundreds of lashes -- or even thousands, inflicted in instalments. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has recently issued a Judicial Costs Law (the " Law "), which will come into effect on 10 Shaaban 1443 AH corresponding to 13 March 2022 AD. (according to a 2006 description of it from Washington Law University). Aug 24, 2022. Sheikh Ahmad Qassim Al-Ghamdi, chief of the Makkah regions Haia, told the Arabic-language daily newspaper Okaz that ikhtilat has no basis in Shariah, or Islamic law, and has been incorrectly applied in the Saudi judicial system. sentenced to be deported to her native Syria on completion of her prison term inspite of being married to a Saudi national for many years!! Allah pardoneth this, for Allah is Forgiving, Clement. Troops", "Imprisoned Father of Autistic Boy Called "the Bravest Man in Saudi Arabia", "Saudi Arabia: Calls for political reform muted", "Saudi Arabia: Trial of Riyadh protester 'utterly unwarranted', Council of Economic and Development Affairs, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Judiciary_of_Saudi_Arabia&oldid=1104597584, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from August 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 15 August 2022, at 21:23. It is not right to use these punishments. Extramarital sex on the other hand is extremely serious and at the same time very hard to get convicted for. barbarian rules!! The article also claims that there is unhappiness in the country about inconsistent sentencing, suggests that there are too many flogging sentences, and calls on the government to codify the laws. Oil will not last forever! [8] For example, as well as appointing a new Minister of Justice, a new chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council was appointed. Sylvain Beauchamp. If its possible, pls give me procedure. Singles are imprisoned and whipped. One of the reasons for the rejection was that her youngest son is 10 years older than Fahd! One judge may give five . Another instanceis one timemy husband and I met a real estate agent to show us a house we were interested in. Ask not questions about things which if made plain to you, may cause you trouble. For more details click here. Australian Prime Minister John Howard has sharply criticised Saudi Arabia for jailing and flogging an Australian man for a crime allegedly committed by his wife. I wish to read more things about it! No humanity Although I think that she is not a journalist. ", Arab courts insist that the lashings are the only way of ensuring that local "morality" is upheld - though the number of court-ordered floggings suggests the opposite. 100 percent terrorist are wahabis. The woman, who was also sentenced to four months' imprisonment, was found guilty of being in the company of two men, who were not her relatives. Islam respects NO other faith or way of life, though demands it. The normal work week in Saudi Arabia is Sunday through Thursday. The Capitalist World is a Cruel Bloodthirsty Game; But It does has It`s Rules. The enforcement of the judgment in absentia shall be suspended if a judgment issued opposing the judgment in absentia requires its annulment. Young Saudishave their ways to getaround these laws. And why do people put up with it? On 23 March this year, an Islamic court there ordered two women to receive 180 lashes for alleged adultery. you sure about that? Recruitment job profiles completely differ on paper and in reality, people are recruited by stating that they will be working in an office and their passports are taken away and forced to work as labourers or shepherd in the fields. Caning is one of themost popular forms of corporal punishments in many countries. One report says the two men, Nigel Maidment and Brian Cooper - both engineers working on Saudi Arabian contracts - may have received as many as 70 strokes of the cane each. In addition to the previous judicial bodies, there are several Administrative Committees that have jurisdiction to hear certain . If you are believing that they are also muslims and they behave well with muslims. The ultimate penalty demands the perfect system to stand up to any level or moral scrutiny. I really doubt much has changed in KSA, its just one of those countries. The woman was also This November 2005 court sentence is probably typical for a fairly routine and minor case. Shariah refers to the body of Islamic law. Two days later, the same court ordered two married Asian women to receive 180 lashes for alleged adultery. The Author just wrote few things for information purposes and made me extreamly laugh at it. Where on heavens do we get to hear about several heads of Saudis getting knocked off in one day? [4]:160 There are also two courts for the Shia minority in the Eastern Province dealing with family and religious matters. Additionally, the Ministry of Justices launched a free service, known as the Mobile Notarial Offices, which provide services to the elderly who are unable to physically make their way to the offices of notaries of justice. Legal and Judicial Structure Since Saudi Arabia is an Islamic state, its judicial system is based on Islamic law (Shari'ah) for both criminal and civil cases. The Shariah courts are organized into several categories: Courts of the First Instance (Summary and General Courts), Courts of Cassation and the Supreme Judicial Council. Muslims derive Shariah law primarily from the Holy Quran and secondarily from the Sunnah, the practices and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad during his lifetime. Changes include the establishment of a Supreme Court and special commercial, labor and administrative courts. The act of indoctrinating others and not allowing any room for the possibility and capacity to develop ones own mind is though. Weve all heard or read about the strict laws and forms of punishment in Saudi Arabia. For a man to approach a woman or a woman to approach a man. They inspire fear in the hearts of so many people and try to smash every joy of life. All the media is state controlled, nothing goes out independently and alot of red tape is present. The HRW spokesperson adds that the accused is "shackled" during the punishment, and is "sometimes" permitted to wear a single layer of clothing; I had had the impression that that was always so. What happens to the Saudi prince, while they do the wrong thing according to KSA law? Second case:Oversee judgments issued by the appellate courts regarding: Third case:Examining requests to resume the litigation after canceling the case for the second time after the plaintiffs absence from the hearings with an excuse acceptable to the Court. No rule Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? @Kathy A womans worst enemy is women like her SO SAD!!! [3], The Sharia courts have general jurisdiction over most civil and criminal cases. Its no better than a 5 year olds thinking. Local courts routinely order floggings, often of hundreds of lashes -- or even thousands, inflicted in instalments. i have done court marriage !! Though the Saudi royal family still rules the realm, they have initiated a number of reforms over the past 30 years. I have read this post and if I could I want to suggest you Mentions that hundreds of political demonstrators were sentenced to flogging, but it was not known whether these sentences had been carried out. . Maybe change updating, re-interpretation whatever you want to call it, IS possible. 3. [10]:1620 The Grand Mufti (currently, Abdul-Aziz Al ash-Sheikh) is the most senior member of the judicial establishment as well as being the highest religious authority in the country; his opinions are highly influential among the Saudi judiciary. But many people dont dig deep enough to know that a thief has to steal a substantial amount to get that punishment. [4]:160, There are also non-Sharia courts covering specialized areas of law, including the Board of Grievances,[6]:23 the Specialized Criminal Court, created in 2008,[7] and the Supreme Court. But what happens after they are caught? theres no pr0blem in punishment in ksa..the pr0blem with them is they are n0t fairm0st mutawwas unfairly take pe0ple wh0 cnt talk arabic t0 defend themselves..d0nt give lawyersthey are bias..trust me,it happened t0 pe0ple ar0und me tahts why i kn0w..i pray t0 Allah y0u w0nt be a victim 0f their misleading beards and sh0rt-th0bs..Allah Knows Best. At the top of the legal system is the King, who acts as the final court of appeal and as a source of pardon. Yes the punishments are cruel but they are lessons for humankind that dont go astray(commit immense sins) or else youll suffer. The Saudi Center for Commercial Arbitration provides business Arbitration. A friend of mine had their apartment robbed. An error in conditioning or incorrectly describing the incident In this case, the Supreme Court is a court of application, not a trial court. you are really a big mother dam fucker go fuck your self chris because your mind is not in your heAD ITS IN YOUR BLOODY SMELLY ASSS you peoples are cowards bloody fucking christians good for nothing. what a complete of of bull written by nk on the sacred un-adulterated quality of the Quran. Therefore, the Judicial System in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is divided into four bodies, each of which has its own laws and regulations. On 2 April, an Asian housemaid was. On 31 August, 2021 . You need to stop sticking yournoseinwhere it doesnt belong. It is the last stage of issuing the law in which the law is announced to the people and the date for its implementation is determined, a process by which the law is fully enforceable and approved. so its a kind advice from my side please leave the imperfect and come to the perfect may ALLAH bless you. Very good analogy, and even more impressive that it comes from someone called Abdul. I want to ask your help. but. Reblogged this on Jean Sasson and commented: I certainly dont think the answer is to excuse women, thereby re-enforcing their child-like (lack of status) but such blatent hypocrisy is so disturbing. this theory has gone everywhere. We see roughly 50 lashes, though nobody appears to be counting. if the woman was slapped around and whipped then perhaps you would think its a harsh law. Punishments like stoning , cutting of parts of your body , beheading , blinding etc., cannot come from God or his word, there fore it is clear that such harsh treatment meted out on women and offenders come certainly from the devil. 4. What could be the punishment for him in this matter? I see you dont monetize saudiwoman.me, dont waste your traffic, There are highly selective quotes from various naive letters to British newspapers upholding tough sentences. Thanks for giving the details of that infamous case. Qias, analogy, is the fourth source of law. Its not just a question of whether they are allowed Islamically or not. But unfortunately America supports Saudi by supplying weopens so that Saudi can spread terror and to attack at innocent. The Supreme Court is classified at the top of the judicial organization to receive a complaint against the court that issued the impugned decision and is not a party to separate litigation. Some years back I had the opportunity to work in Saudi Arabia for two long years. You have to work together to be free. A Judicial Caning in Saudi Arabia - A Kane Magazine Short Story C. Holder, G. Harrison Marks (Editor) 0.00 0 ratings0 reviews A trip to Saudi Arabia, being in possession of alcohol, there can only be one outcome. Two women to receive 180 lashes for alleged adultery we all have to return to God to answer what did! 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judicial caning in saudi arabiaAbout

judicial caning in saudi arabia