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continental prop strike ad

So my question was, should I overhaul the present engine or look for one with good logs? Service Bulletin 533A has the pertinent Lycoming prop-strike definitions for all Lycoming direct drive engines. All of the fractures have been grouped around certain manufacturing dates between April 1, 1998, and March 31, 2000, inclusive. Recently, a transient aircraft hit a rubber traffic cone with the prop and kept going, taking off and disappearing into the western sky. on A prop strike can happen to anyone at anytime, but fortunately, few involve injury. About the Federal Register Kiss the old days goodbye. documents in the last year, by the Fish and Wildlife Service Are there any hidden costs? John Schwaner, author of the Sky Ranch Engineering Manual, a must have for all those interested in aircraft engines, and owner of Sacramento Sky Ranch, in Sacramento, California, said the quandary is, "How do you know if something is good or not? documents in the last year, 274 On severe prop strikes, the mounts can be easily twisted and loaded in a way that it was not designed to withstand," he says. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); WORLD'S PREMIER INDEPENDENT AVIATION NEWS RESOURCE. The rationale for this hub retirement criteria revolves around the fact that forces great enough to bend blades beyond their respective repair limits represent loads that are in excess of those that the hubs were designed to withstand, while providing sufficient structural safety margins.". Any decision to operate an engine, which was involved in a sudden stoppage, propeller/rotor strike or loss of propeller/rotor blade or tip without such an inspection must be the responsibility of the agency returning the aircraft to service. The FAA definition of a sudden stoppage, is the engine stopping suddenly in under one rpm. Service bulletins are one thing, but the real information comes from the people working in the field. ", DeJoris adds, "As a result, there is no real relationship today between the extent of damage of the prop and the type of inspection that has to be done to the engine. Submit comments in triplicate to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), New England Region, Office of the Regional Counsel, Attention: Rules Docket No. Some elbow room? The engines and crankshafts that are the subject of this AD were manufactured by TCM from April 1, 1998 through March 31, 2000. documents in the last year, 12 Assistant Manager, Engine and Propeller Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service. Information concerning the existence of approved alternative methods of compliance with this airworthiness directive, if any, may be obtained from the Atlanta ACO. Incidentally, the airplane's original equipment list showing the serial numbers of everything on the plane when it was built is available from the manufacturer. However, they have the caveat that the inspecting mechanic may override that position and return the engine to service without disassembly and inspection if he or she feels that it is the prudent and responsible thing to do. Located in Burlington, North Carolina, we provide an array of aircraft maintenance services, including engine, cylinder, and propeller overhaul and repair. 49 U.S.C. These are the requirements as we see them. He continues, "T.C.M. The investigation revealed that the crankshafts failed due to subsurface defects in the number one crankshaft connecting rod journal. Over the years, Continental has built a service offering for aircraft operators and owners These services include engine overhauls at the Continental factory service center for Continental, Titan, and LYCOMING engines, factory overhauls for Continental AvGas engines, sudden stoppage/propeller strikes, shock inspections, fleet overhaul programs, Jet-A burning engine For engines that have been modified, altered, or repaired so that the performance of the requirements of this AD is affected, the owner/operator must request approval for an alternative method of compliance in accordance with paragraph (d) of this AD. Accordingly, the FAA has not consulted with state authorities prior to publication of this proposed rule. Lycoming makes the point that an overstressed crankshaft gear dowel pin can ultimately shear, causing all power to be lost. MSB 005C lists additional serial numbers (SN's) of affected engines and suspect crankshafts that were manufactured between April 1, 1998, and March 31, 2000, inclusive. The deffination of a prop strike is different on Lycomings than Continentals, Lycoming says any time a prop strikes any thing that will cause a loss of RPM it is a prop strike. Start dateSep 28, 2016. If the engine is being disassembled does the estimate include testing after reassembly? Pre-Flight. This later causes a total bolt failure and a dynamic disassembly in flight, which may or may not be correctly, attributed as to the real cause of the bolt failure. TCM-powered aircraft operating under Part 135 of the FARs that have to comply with all manufacturers service bulletins would have to comply with Service Bulletin 96-11B, dealing with prop strikes, dated July 2008, requiring total disassembly and inspection after any incident that requires removal of the propeller for repairs or if the engine physically lost any rpms during the incident. Posted at 11:12h in don franklin oil change somerset ky by royal For those engines that were overhauled in the field with factory new crankshafts, the crankshaft SN should be shown in work orders, log books or other maintenance records. Another thing to look for in the logs is a prolonged period of inactivity, such as years between annual inspections and oil changes. Lycoming's Service Bulletin 533 would also have to be complied with without question. CONTINENTAL TSIO-520-J $18,995 FOR SALE Engine with Accessories TSMO=488.2 No Prop Strike Photos, logs, details per request. This article originally appeared in the December 2012 issue of Light Plane Maintenance. It is not an official legal edition of the Federal If the engine was assembled new, rebuilt, or overhauled on or before March 31, 1998, or on or after April 1, 2000, no action is required. Finding out what needs to be done and whether that agrees with what you feel should be done, whos going to do it and who is going to pay for it, should help make the experience of a prop strike/sudden stoppage as painless as possible. A bit of homework will go a long way towards helping you persuade your customer to do the right thing. The Public Inspection page Dye Penetrant test didn't show any cracks on the flange, runout is .001 which is well within tolerance. A propeller strike is dangerous, not only because it damages the propeller but also because it can Highly stressed connecting rod bolts also take a beating from a prop-strike, which can cause a slight stretch. Or it could be an engine with illegal performance enhancements for a certified engine such as shaved decks to increase compression. Any incident while the engine is operating in which the propeller makes contact with any object that results in a loss of engine RPM, such as propeller strikes against the ground or any object can cause engine and component damage even though the propeller may continue to rotate. This dream price just may be the cast off of a prop-strike incident that has been covered up or minimized in some way-or a prop with blades that are out of spec from metal removed from previous overhauls. This year's numbers have placed us in the top 10, highlighting another strong year of property development. More than the prop and crankshaft the material on FederalRegister.gov is accurately displayed, consistent with But what is a prop strike and what exactly are the ramifications? On April 28, 2000, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued emergency airworthiness directive (AD) 2000-08-51 that is applicable to Teledyne Continental Motors IO-360, TSIO-360, LTSIO-360, O-470, IO-470, TSIO-470, IO-520, TSIO-520, LTSIO-520, IO-550, TSIO-550, and TSIOL-550 series reciprocating engines. Also, on prop strikes involving frontal impact, the crank can be pushed back into the engine, cracking the case at the slinger ring, and this may not be visible. Comments may also be sent via the Internet using the following address: [email protected]. Comments sent via the Internet must contain the docket number in the subject line. 12866. Compliance with this service bulletin is mandatory per AD 91-14-22. Are any of the engines accessories inspected as they should be, and if so to what extent? what would martial law in russia mean phoebe arnstein wedding joey michelle knight son picture brown surname jamaica. documents in the last year, 90 Others are not necessarily so forthcoming, so reliable conclusions are difficult to draw. Prop strike on Continental. The argument goes would you rather be paying for an in flight engine failure 100 hours from now. Accordingly, pursuant to the authority delegated to me by the Administrator, the Federal Aviation Administration amends part 39 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR part 39) as follows: 1. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent fracture of the crankshaft connecting rod journal, which could result in total engine power loss, in-flight engine failure and possible forced landing. (f) This amendment becomes effective on December 12, 2000. Compliance with the requirements of this AD is required within the next 10 hours time-in-service from the effective date of this AD, unless already done. Russell says, it should be noted that to comply with A.D. note 91-14-22, the engine does not need to be completely disassembled and that access to the accessory gear train can be accomplished, in most cases, with the engine still installed in the aircraft. But if there's 1,000 hours or more left on the engine, you're probably better off with just an inspection. Operators shall submit their requests through an appropriate FAA Principal Maintenance Inspector, who may add comments and then send it to the Manager, Atlanta ACO. For example, how much propeller filing constitutes "minor dressing?" Sun Sep 23, 2018 8:02 pm. All rights reserved. They are often ignored in the prop-strike evaluation, yet they have prescribed inspection criteria even if involved in only a sudden stoppage. For crankshafts identified in paragraph (a) of this AD, TCM has already determined which engines have a new suspect crankshaft installed and have identified those engines by engine SN. electronic version on GPOs govinfo.gov. on The FAA has reviewed and approved the technical contents of TCM Mandatory Service Bulletin (MSB) 005C, dated October 10, 2000. Definition of Propeller Strike (i) For the purposes of this AD, a propeller strike is defined as follows: (1) Any incident, whether or not the engine is operating, that requires repair to the propeller other than minor dressing of the blades. This proposed rule does not have federalism implications, as defined in Executive Order No. Some geared alternators shafts use gears that are designed to slip on overloads, but older versions of this alternator gear do not have this design, and the gear shear design is for an alternator failure not a crank stoppage. The bulletin reads as follows: In short, all accessories become suspect to damage under either a prop strike or sudden stoppage incident. This amendment requires removing a core sample of material from the propeller mounting flange of certain crankshafts, and sending the core sample to TCM for evaluation. On numerous occasions, Textron Lycoming has been consulted about recommendations on whether to continue using an aircraft engine that has been involved Use the PDF linked in the document sidebar for the official electronic format. Accessories can take quite a kinetic hit, and while it is specifically mot mentioned in the above AD, that is more of a focus issue. The engine SN can be found in logbooks or other maintenance records. There's a tremendous amount of energy stored in the rotating flyweight, and when all of a sudden you stop the prop and engine, that energy has to be dissipated somewhere.". Basically anything that moves is subject to visual and other forms of nondestructive testing. The President of the United States issues other types of documents, including but not limited to; memoranda, notices, determinations, letters, messages, and orders. rendition of the daily Federal Register on FederalRegister.gov does not During the subsequent takeoff, the airplane's right wing hit the mirror of a semitruck, which veered the airplane into a fire truck and eventually a ditch. What looks like light damage may sometimes result in something broken or highly stressed inside, while a major collision shows nothing wrong after it's been torn down." the official SGML-based PDF version on govinfo.gov, those relying on it for regulatory information on FederalRegister.gov with the objective of This could indicate a gear-up landing, or other source of damage that took time to fix. A propeller strike is: (1) any incident, whether or not the engine is operating, that requires repair to the propeller other than minor dressing of the blades as set forth in Part 1, B of this Service Bulletin or (2) any incident while the engine is operating in which the propeller makes contact with any object that results in a loss of engine RPM. These tools are designed to help you understand the official document A full overhaul will cost about $12,500 plus accessories. (j) The preceding definitions include situations where an aircraft is stationary and the landing gear collapses causing one or more blades to be substantially bent, or where a hangar door (or other object) strikes the propeller blade. legal research should verify their results against an official edition of The Public Inspection page may also However the dates that the engines and crankshafts were delivered may not coincide with their dates of manufacture. Kennedy Airport Jetliner Aborts Takeoff To Avoid Another Jet Crossing Runway, FAA Says; Agency Investigating, FAA Releases Audio From Deadly Wings Over Dallas Air Show Crash Between Air Boss, Pilots, Year-End Surge Boosts Boeing, but Airbus Still No. We can even see situations where a prop sustains a fairly nasty nick in a gravel strip, but no rpm loss occurs or serious blade damage occurs. According to the salvage yard, the prop strike came about after an out-of-fuel landing on a road in Louisiana. The flange will break before it bends. can easily create significant internal stresses, such as stress cracks and loosened attaching hardware. Any decision to operate an engine which was involved in a sudden stoppage, propeller/rotor strike or loss of propeller/rotor blade or tip without such an inspection must be the responsibility of the agency returning the aircraft to service. What other services or inspections are being performed at the same time as the inspection? Russell explains, "Aircraft operating under Part 135 of the FARs must comply with all manufacturer's service bulletins, and would have to comply with Service Bulletin 96-11 requiring total disassembly and inspection after any incident that required removal of the propeller for repairs or if the engine physically lost rpms during the incident. The degree of difficulty of this action will bevaried, depending on the installation and location of accessories, turbos, intercoolers, etc. Never allow an insurance adjuster to dictate the inspection requirements after an incident. Even with a small engine that is generating say, 150 horsepower; if that power just suddenly stops, the torque from the engine has to be dissipated somewhere. Does 500 rpm fit that bill? Bending loads alone are not the only destructive element, and nondestructive testing of the entire crank and associated structures is the only reasonable way to check it out. It is recommended that the technician views and understands Instructional Video for Compliance with Teledyne Continental Motors Mandatory Service Bulletin MSB 00-5C before performing these procedures. McCauley hubs must be retired if any of the blades within the assembly are bent beyond repair limits inboard of the 85 percent blade radius. The MSB also describes procedures for removing a core sample of material from the propeller mounting flange of the crankshaft and for cleaning, chamfering, dye checking, and painting the core sample holes. SUMMARY: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) that supersedes an existing AD, for Lycoming Engines (formerly Textron Lycoming), direct-drive of the issuing agency. Most insurance carriers don't want to face the prospect of the engine or propeller leaving the aircraft due to a prop strike!". O-435, and TIO-541 series engines being exempt. That AD requires removing a core sample of material from the propeller mounting flange and sending the core sample to TCM for evaluation. Removing and reinstalling a propeller take just a few hours, and the prop shops don't care who brings the job through the door. (ii) You may use each rotobroach bit to obtain up to six core samples. Lycoming is particularly concerned with this area and outlines specific inspection criteria with the force of AD 2004-10-14 to support their bulletin SB 475C depending on engine model. to a sudden stop. A propeller strike can occur at taxi speeds and during touch-and-go operations with propeller tip ground contact. In our response to readers we quote the latest manufacturer directives and FAA guidance, and add our perspectives and experience to hopefully help the owner feel his or her ultimate decision is the right and legal one. It also does not equivocate to any degree on an engine tear down being the mandatory procedure, which is described in the bulletin. It defines a sudden engine stoppage as; stopping an engine in one revolution or less for any reason, be it from propeller impact or from an engine failure of some sort. documents in the last year, 876 Or it was known to have been used on a plane that crashed or was somehow damaged or is missing a complete set of engine logs or some parts. documents in the last year, 37 We see flyweights and connecting hardware, in some designs, brutalized quite frequently by sudden stoppage. Do we think the engine makers are overly eager to have you tear down or dig into your engine? 2 Blade Continental O-200/Lycoming O-235 Ground Adjustable STOL Propeller $ 74CK $ 76AK-2 $ FIND A DEALER NEAR YOU. SENSENICH WOOD PROPELLER COMPANY LOCATED IN PLANT CITY, FL. Well, for one i dont think i want to take out any of the clubs planes ever again. Are the minimum legal requirements being met? All communications received on or before the closing date for comments will be considered, and this rule may be amended in light of the comments received. AC 43.13-1B has a great deal to say about what should be done in the manner of inspections and actions, and all the statements are preceded by the word must such as following the manufacturer directives as the priority action, with emphasis on the importance of a teardown when the event meets the criteria. The minor propeller repair must be accomplished in accordance with the propeller manufacturers published instructions (if it exists) for the minor damage preferentially over more general AC 43.13-1B with the exceptions we noted earlier). A Textron Lycoming engine, that is being operated on a Part 91 aircraft, that had a sudden engine stoppage, not a propeller strike, must comply with AD 91-14-22 and Service Bulletin 475B at a minimum. Engine inspection requirements after prop strikes can become complicated, however, and the regulations and recommendations seem to overlap and intertwine. But let me start this section with a caveat: There is no black and white, and the subject under discussion is the grayest of the gray areas. (a) For those engines and crankshafts listed by SN in TCM MSB 00-5C, dated October 10, 2000, do the crankshaft material inspection (crankshaft propeller flange core sample) as follows: The engine SN's listed in TCM MSB 00-5C contain only the numerical portion of the SN. Lycoming has reports of ground strikes, which have resulted in overstressed connecting rod bolts, that failed later. The OFR/GPO partnership is committed to presenting accurate and reliable documents in the last year, 16 You are going to spend a lot of money, so make sure you are dealing with an honest and reputable shop. The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows: Authority: The Lycoming information is more complicated and equivocating than the TCM directives in our opinion, as well explain. Refer McCauley Service Bulletin 137W. This may seem to contradict itself since sudden stoppage is mentioned earlier in the AD in the prop strike-definitions section, but thats the way it is written with an orientation to certain types of direct drive Lycoming engines, with only Lycoming O-145, O-320H, O-360E, LO-360E, LTO-360E,O-435, and TIO-541 series engines being exempt. This site displays a prototype of a Web 2.0 version of the daily Would you rather be paying for an in flight engine failure 100 hours from now is disassembled. Not consulted with state authorities prior to publication of this proposed rule way towards helping you your... 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continental prop strike ad