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service revolver, your old huntingRoll 1D10 or pick one of the following. Child (son or daughter).10. For 60 12that reason Luck is now rolled randomly (3D6 x 5). The average 1920s Livingtrack every penny. particularly in the fields of astronomy, physics and other theoretical sciences. In the U.S., his or her responsibilities at any one time may number in the Some pilots actively serve in the military. Psy- chiatrists are trained in psychopharmacological treatment The private investigator may have been a member of a and are authorized to prescribe psychiatric medication, aspolice force in the past, using those connections to his or her well as order electroencephalograms and computed brain-advantage in the present; however this is not always the case. 4. The life of the roadmight seem especially American, but the same sort of life is Taxi Driverchosen wherever travel itself is not systematically dangerous. Within strange and forgotten tomes of lore . Studying tively they regard the item as their personal salvation andthe culture for a month or more, the anthropologist begins refuse to give it up to anyone else.to understand how the culture functions and, in combina-tion with Psychology, may predict the actions and beliefs of Archaeology (01%)those being studied. a ring, a diary, a map). Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (APP x 2 or POW x 2) Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (APP x 2 or DEX x 2) Credit Rating: 030 Credit Rating: 920 Suggested Contacts: Religious or fraternal groups, news media. Representatives in areas of the world that some people can make a career ofthe House of Lords are unelected, receiving their member- exploring. entertaining clients as much as their expenses account will allow. A famous person. The STR, DEX, CON, SIZ, APP, INT, POW and EDUGiven the limited life expectancy of the average investigator,this is unlikely to be much of a concern for many players! Suggested Contacts: Church hierarchy, foreign officials.Military Officer Skills: Art/Craft (any), First Aid, Mechanical Repair,Officers are command rank and most commissions demand Medicine, Natural World, one interpersonal skillsome sort of higher education. A place connected with your ideology/belief (e.g. In these days, oil may be as good as gold. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Foreign Correspondent Credit Rating: 2040 Foreign correspondents are the elite of news reporters. police, city government, politicians, judges, unions, 81investigator's handbookhave to be rich to be a gentleman, as often family status is Skills: Art/Craft (any), two interpersonal skills (Charm,more important than family wealth in terms of the highest Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Dodge, Psychol-society. If an insane investigator fails a pushed roll, he or shemight be found behaving like the animal they were trying Pushing examples: checking an items validity withto control. Grandparent (e.g. Company Opera-Skills: Climb, Dodge, Jump, Throw, Spot Hidden, Swim, tives are plainclothes detectives, sent out on cases requiring any two other skills as personal or era specialties. Much of darkest Africa is still unexplored, as are great portions of the Matto Grosso in South America, the great Suggested Contacts: Political operatives, government, Australian desert, the Sahara and Arabian deserts, and much news media, business, foreign governments, pos- of the Asian interior. you didnt step up and help them when you had the chance). Ladies man/seductress (e.g. Some espouse forms of Christianity while othersFence incorporate Eastern mysticism and occult practices. (Brawl), Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun), First Aid, Intimidate, Listen, Stealth, Throw, Sleight of Hand, This option can be used in combination with any other Spot Hidden, Survival.method. maternal grandmother, paternal8. Credit Rating: 6095 One does not necessarily Suggested Contacts: Organized crime, street-level crime, The cause of death isunusual! Thus, many in this The police detective may be a manager who coordinatesperiod work at carnivals, stunting, selling rides or offering staff in some important investigation, but rarely has thelocal air-taxi services in and out of small airports. Check all flipbooks from startobb. He has 12 hit points.Multiplying each of these by 5 gives us the following 7thedition characteristics: In earlier editions, hit points were the average of CON + SIZ, rounded up. Driver Skills: First Aid, Medicine, Other Language (Latin), Psychology, Science (Biology and Pharmacy), any Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2) two other skills as academic or personal specialties. Only one dice roll is made; the resultis then compared with each of the skills named. evolution, cryogenics, space exploration). Latter-Day Saints, who specialize in two-year proselytizingUsually they have their own unionsalmost guildsthat missions to urban areas, including parts of the U.S. andbargain with contractors and corporate employers. cialists include organizational psychologists who work with businesses and governments, as well as academics conduct- Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 ing research or teaching psychology. 82chapter 4: occupationsReporter Laborer, Unskilled Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 + STR x 2) Credit Rating: 930 Suggested Contacts: Other workers and supervisors within their industry. The engineer applies scientific knowledge, seums, wealthy patrons, other explorers, publishers,mathematics and a liberal amount of ingenuity to design foreign government officials, local tribes people.solutions for technical problems. Looking through old accounts, one could see howLocksmith (01%) money was gained or lost in the past (grain, slave-trading,Machine Gun (10%)see Firearms whiskey-running, etc.) * See note below:Assault Rifle: use Rifle/Shotgun skill when firing single shot;use Submachine skill when firing burst or full auto.Chainsaw: very awkward to use as a weapon; double theusers chance of a fumble. Like Call of Cthulhu Keeper Handbook? That's because only a real artist knows the actual anatomy of the terrible or the physiology of fear-the exact sort of lines and proportions that connect up with latent instincts or hereditary memories of fright, and the proper colour contrasts and lighting effects to stir the dormant sense of strangeness. Where relevant,causing damage; the animal escapes. Credit Rating: 5099 Less extreme deprogrammers exist, who work with Suggested Contacts: Variable, but usually people of athose who have voluntarily left a cult. Organized along Credit Rating: 1040military lines, promotion through lieutenant, captain andchief is possible. Add these there.average, did the investigator drop out things to your notes. In the 1920s, a gentlemanGangster Boss would certainly have had at least one servant (butler, valet, Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + APP x 2 chauffer) and probably a country and city residence. interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Spot Hidden. (i) Name Skill Damage Base Range Uses per Bullets in Cost 20s/ Malfunctions Common in Round Gun (Mag) Modern 95 Era Molotov Throw 2D6+burn STR feet 100 Cocktail 1/2 1 only N/A 1920s, Signal Firearms Modern Handgun (HG) 1D10+1D3 10 1/2 1 $15/$75(Flare gun) burn 20 1920s, Firearms Modern M79 (Heavy) 3D10/2 Grenade yards 1/3 1 N/A 99 Modern Launcher Throw Dynamite 4D10/ 3 STR feet 1/2 1 only $2/$5 99 1920s, Stick* Electrical yards N/A 100 Modern Blasting Repair N/A One use $20/box 95 1920s, Demoli- 2D10/ 1 In place 99 Modern Cap tions yard In place One use 1 only N/A 99 1920s,Pipe Bomb Demoli- STR feet 100 Modern tions 1D10/ 3 500 yards One use 1 only N/A 99 Modern Plastique Throw yards 500 yards 100(C-4), 4 oz. Credit Rating: 970 Governors are responsible for entire states and have con-nections across the country. Partner (e.g. staunch atheist, humanist, secularist). Architects must one other skill as a personal or era specialty. 3. dollar construction proj- Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 ect. In 6th edition, all human movement rates are the same (8), whereas 7th edition introduces scaled movement values Rolling 9 on 3D6 and multiplying it by 5 gives Harvey a (see Movement Rate, page @@).Luck score of 45. You wish to prove yourself better than them. Roll 2D6+6 multipled by 5 for SIZ,INT, and EDU. Credit Rating: 970Artist Suggested Contacts: Sports personalities, sports writers,May be a painter, sculptor, etc. tor was a part of them. The occult (e.g. An independent income allows the antiquarian toexplore things old and obscure, perhaps sharpening their and plan buildings, whether afocus down particular lines of enquiry based on personalpreference and interest. While drifters tend to only work when forced to, First Aid, Listen, Mechanical Repair, Psychology,hobos are essentially workers who wander. All television and film work will be supervised by a evident. Skills: Accounting, Appraise, Art/Craft (Forgery), His-Skills: Drive Auto, Fighting, Firearms, two interpersonal tory, Library Use, Spot Hidden, Sleight of Hand, skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), any one other skill as personal or era specialty (e.g. local businesses and household suppliers. Players are encouraged to playeither sex based upon their preference rather than tactical Your investigators day-to-day living standards are dictatedconsiderations. Above all is Skills: Other Language (Latin), Library Use, Medicine, Persuade, Science (Biology), (Forensics), (Phar- macy), Spot Hidden. takes a cut of the profit or, more usually, buys the stolen goods at a very low price.Craftsperson Forgers are the artists of the criminal world, specializ-May be equally termed an artisan or master craftsperson. Equivalent toa game set in Victorian London, and should be reworded a bachelors degree in a specific subject.appropriatelyin this case as Drive Carriage. Published by startobb, 2020-12-05 13:09:34 . If your investigator is up close with his shotgun skill by 40%. year of the scenario. Figure Damage Bonus and Build (see page @@).1D6 and share out the extra points among the lowest dicerolls before multiplying by 5. Equipment lists can be found on page @@. digital image in here).20s or 30s Make an improvement check for EDU.40s Deduct 5 points from STR, CON or DEX, and also from APP. However, life on the Uses words to report and comment upon topics and inci-road or rails is dangerous. Traditionally the butler Persuade), is charge of the dining room, wineBounty Hunter cellar and pantry, and ranks as theBounty hunters track down and return fugitives to justice.Most often freelancers employed by Bail Bondsmen to track highest male servant. try that you feel is most important to them. chemistry, physics,Antiquarian [Lovecraftian] geology, etc. Large newspapersProfessional drivers may work for a company, private indi- have many editors, including managing editors who arevidual or possibly have their own cab or rig. Corre- Skill percentages are not proportions of what is hypo- sponds with a masters degree or Ph.D.thetically knowable. You are indebted to them. 25 97 26 98 Damage Bonus 27+ 99 Lower damage bonuses have been changed in 7th edition.Let us turn, as always, to our old friend, Harvey Walters. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Credit Rating: 2080 Credit Rating: 5-30 Suggested Contacts: Old college connections, Masons Suggested Contacts: Other labor leaders and activists, or other fraternal groups, local and federal govern- political friends, possibly organized crime. Credit Rating on a train or ship.also indicates the general Travel: first class. Most of Lovecrafts stories take place in New England. Something you found but you dont know what it is you seek answers (e.g. What a cupboard written in an unknown language, a was their flaw? Many will have wealthy or regu- This occupation covers those wholar clients, who provide lists of sought-after and rare works. Normally not the owner of the bar, the bartender is every- Suggested Contacts: Medical staff, patients and relatives ones friend. Charm (15%) Chemistry (01%)see Science Likewise, where appropriate, an example is provided for Climb (20%)a possible consequence of an investigator pushing a skill roll Computer Use (05%) [Modern]while insane. Skills: Accounting, Art/Craft (Technical Drawing), Law, Own Language, Computer Use or Library Use, Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2) Persuade, Psychology, Science (Mathematics). bus tickets, stuffed their place, you fell out over something you said, animals, records). Key Backstory Connection 2. Normally, the deprogrammer likely to betray the dilettantes true characteris hired by relatives of an individual, who has and/or interests.joined some form of cult, in order to breakthem free (usually by kidnapping) and then sub- Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + APP x 2ject them to psychological techniques to free them of theirassociation (conditioning) with the cult. a personal or era specialty. The Keeper may apply an upper limit to starting skills,such as 75%. glars, assassins and kidnappers. Other countries also see such fringe religions springing up wherever there Suggested Contacts: Organized crime, trade contacts, are those in need of something to believe in. you aspire have even met (e.g. what do you blame them? 259, investigator's handbook Rifle and Shotgun were previously two Combat Skills (Kick, Punch, Head separate skills, but have now been amal- Butt, Grapple, Knife and Club) gamated. Your family home (e.g. The work involves painstaking research and meticulous study, not to mention a willing at-May be employed by film studios, a travelling circus, a horse titude to getting ones hands dirty.stable or possibly working freelance. Suggested Contacts: Foreign government officials, game wardens, past (usually wealthy) clients, black- Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + STR x 2 market gangs and traders, zoo owners. Underlings in reality this could easily be the other way around, with theusually have specific areas of responsibility, such as oversee- moll working her boyfriend for all she can before skedad-ing illicit shipments, collecting protection money and so on. skill points, depending on your investigators chosen occupation.Converting Investigators We chose to keep the link between Dodge and DEX,If players have existing investigators that they wish to since it has always been that way.convert for use with 7th edition, follow these instructions. Criminal also Gangster Cult LeaderOccupation Skill Points: Determines which Characteris- Deprogrammer [Modern]tics are used to derive the investigators occupation skills. Skills: Climb or Swim, Firearms, History, Jump, Natural Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 World, Navigate, Other Language, Survival. 54chapter 3: creating investigatorsPeriod Names, ContinuedMale Names Female Names Surnames Male Names Female Names Surnames50 Kirk Irene Lockhart 76 Percival Myrtle Schroeder51 Larkin Iris Luckstrim 77 Porter Naomi Schwartz52 Leland Ivy Lynch 78 Quincy Nora Shane53 Leopold Jeanette Madison 79 Randall Octavia Shattuck54 Lloyd Jezebel Mantei 80 Reginald Ophelia Shea55 Luther Josephine Marsh 81 Richmond Pansy Slaughter56 Manford Joyce McBurney 82 Rodney Patience Smith57 Marcellus Juanita McCarney 83 Roscoe Pearle Speltzer58 Martin Keziah Moses 84 Rowland Phoebe Stimac59 Mason Laverne Nickels 85 Rupert Phyllis Strenburg60 Maurice Leonora O'Neil 86 Sampson Rosemary Strong61 Maynard Letitia Olson 87 Sanford Ruby Swanson62 Melvin Loretta Ozanich 88 Sebastian Sadie Tillinghast63 Miles Lucretia Patterson 89 Shelby Selina Traver64 Milton Mabel Patzer 90 Sidney Selma Urton65 Morgan Madeleine Peppin 91 Solomon Sibyl Vallier66 Mortimer Margery Porter 92 Squire Sylvia Wagner67 Moses Marguerite Posch 93 Sterling Tabitha Walsted68 Napoleon Marjorie Raslo 94 Sidney Ursula Wang69 Nelson Matilda Razner 95 Thaddeus Veronica Warner70 Newton Melinda Rifenberg 96 Walter Violet Webber71 Noble Melissa Riley 97 Wilbur Virginia Welch72 Oliver Mercedes Ripley 98 Wilfred Wanda Winters73 Orson Mildred Rossini 99 Zadok Wilhelmina Yarbrough74 Oswald Millicent Schiltgan 100 Zebedee Winifred Yeske75 Pablo Muriel Schmidt 7. they raise crops or livestock, or who is employed to do the same. Credit Rating: 960 Skills: Firearms, Listen or Spot Hidden, Natural World, Navigate, Other Language or Survival (any), Science Suggested Contacts: Sports promoters, journalists, or- (Biology or Botany), Stealth, Track. A major portion oftheir time is spent debunking fake mediums and mistaken Photojournalists are essentially reporters who use cam-phenomena rather than recording actual evidence. Laborers fall in to two Skills: Accounting, Law, Library use, two interpersonalcamps: skilled and unskilled. play in a Call of Cthulhu game. 8. A weapon (e.g. Gangster Underling More sophisticated gamblers probably frequent the ille-gal casinos operated by organized crime. Commonly skilled in hunting and fishing, and able to be self-sufficient Suggested Contacts: Club owners, musicians union, in all but the harshest of environments. The sugges- iwtlfasHHohSioAtornwpenassaudotdrracl.HtvhdveupgAeHreigaelamayytrrrili.nsheldtsvuogostaedtA,swceoypeiacd.vwnsenHssesThceutgrsaiuieihfoicnclurvlcleeittvtlepeliehesosKaanSHeystrtpetetssa.aegooouurptutnPhcdvaencHseedrneyeyetasbiciainsdthtaecsfhtldiiukoyanpecesllcrhoagndkPfgtareoewdywsnarryrtwciroshacleeoluhsweaillttolccaadnohtlfulorielgoaalogbortunclmy-wy-tan,tions given should be viewed as simply thatsuggestions. Suggested Contacts: Advertising, media, furnishings, architectural, other. The forger will requireused to make a duplicate or fake item. Search. Ultimately the with their father and brothers, or Its not essential to create an investigators only connections to perhaps the investigator bought a elaborate family tree with detailed the world are madness and pain. Taser (Contact or Dart): Affects only targets up to Build 2, stunned targets are incapacitated for 1D6 rounds (or asN/A: not available (in auto-fire configuration or at all). Indepen- dent farmers find themselves squeezed between competition from corporate-controlled farms and fluctuating commod- 79investigator's handbookity marketsa situation still common in contemporary required a distinct lack of restraint and an eagerness to flouttimes. An occupation also, if there are free skills then these may be taken as player in part, helps define the investigators choices, i.e. Credit Rating: 565 Cult Leader Suggested Contacts: Other petty criminals, street-level America has always generated new religions, from the New law enforcement. bar, uncles house). Start withschool of life? Often the zookeeper is specialized in aup to a large national or multinational corporation. In modern enlisted man is promoted to Warrant Officer. Pixie haircuts, Suggested Contacts: Laboratories, law enforcement,cloche hats, long strings of medical profession.beads and gowns slit high upthe side are de rigueur. A malfunc-(i) - Indicates a weapon category or specific weapon which tion causes the engine to stall or the chain to jam or becomecan impale. Dreamer (e.g. The very fact that the investigator is insane Credit Rating (00%)while performing a task heightens the stakes for the roll, as Cryptography (01%)see Sciencethe consequences of a pushed failure will often be all the Cthulhu Mythos (00%)more extreme (or bizarre). Possibly family- Suggested Contacts: Generally only the person the spyrun, with relations also working on the premises, however reports to, possibly other connections developednormally few, if any, employees. critics, actors guild or union. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (STR x 2 or DEX x 2) Bartender Credit Rating: 8-20. A fellow investigator in your game. Suggested Contacts: The film and television industries,Stuntman various explosive and pyrotechnic firms, actors and directors.The film and television industry employs stuntmen andwomen to simulate falls from buildings, car crashes and Skills: Climb, Dodge, Electrical Repair or Mechanicalother catastrophes. A person uninterested in observa- newspapers).tion, experimentation and proof is not a scientist, thoughhe or she may be an occultist. Of course, some in- historic event can greatly define your characters outlook andvestigators might start the game with a significant injury or beliefs, helping you to build a specific and rich backstory.scar if implied by your investigators historyif so, write it in. Many follow strict codes of be- havior. Cash is readily available Deciding on an investigator name isnt always easy, so to the investigator, whereas wealth that is tied up in assetsfor inspiration see Period Names Table (page @@). 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call of cthulhu investigator handbook pdf anyflip