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anthony from intervention died

At this point in her life, you dont know if its the meth and alcohol or a mental disease. Appearing on season 1 episode 2 of the show, Vanessa Marquez was an actress who was widely known for her brilliant portrayal of Nurse Wendy Goldman in the first three seasons of NBCs medical drama ER. Apart from her role in the TV show, Vanessa also showcased her talent in several movies and TV shows up until the year 2001. I would quote the Bible to my friends even if I could tell they didnt care. He is a great person and hopefully he is doing good. I was amazed and touched by his group of friends. Oh, Anthony. Brittany was born five years after the brutal rape and murder of her 9-year-old sister, Terry. I cant confirm it. Click on Andrew to view the Intervention Canada posts. Another blow came when Anthony's younger brother died of . Meth users and people with bipolar mania often exhibit similar behavior. Seeing her daughter's mental health in steep decline, Elann's mother believes this intervention is the only hope of pulling her, Courtney Ball passed away on May 12, 2020, By the age of 21, Joshua had the world in his hands. Arrested For 243(A) Battery On Person He looks great in the picture. The reason I am sharing this info is in case anyone is going through a similar situation they can maybe get some kind of help from me sharing whether it is by knowing resources are available (mental health court, Medicaid, etc) or just knowing they arent alone. Maybe you shouldve listened more to what Ken said. Hey all, Andrews story hit me like a ton of bricks. Her voicewow.. Horrible situation. She recently got a new facebook. WTF? She became a wealthy doctor's wife, a country club member, and a proud mother. I thank you for sharing your story. Jeez Louise! My parents had to get him court ordered to take medication which wasnt easy. He was a grade older than me, and we were in different social circles. I worry for him. Grand theft is defined by a variety of different crimes. Most recent arrest was last month for grand theft and vandalism over $5000. She is definetly back to stripping and may even be prostituing. I think you have to also factor in the fact that she had been doing meth for 10 years, starting at 14. Judging from her background of verbal and physical abuse, Im thinking people are staying away for their own personal safety. TL:DR I dont believe its really Cristy, to tell you the truth. The toll would reach more than 3,000 over the next three years. Heres his uncles FB. I have watched this a few times since i got hooked on the show in 2016. Once known as the "the prettiest girl in town," Jackie had a promising career as a radiation therapist. My schizophrenic brother can do no wrong in my moms eyes. Well one guy commented about how he always offered Cristy and Jaymee a place to stay. As an adult, he was diagnosed with diabetes, and his health problems were exacerbated by his drug and alcohol abuse. Someone above mentioned his girlfriend, but I got the impression from the episode that he was gay because his grandmother said something like whoever becomes your husband. She clearly cant take care of herself. Though he seemed to have left the program early, Adam successfully defeated his drug addiction. Dont give up!! So, horribly sad. Anthony doesnt seem to be anywhere on social media. My brother has schizophrenia and he acted a lot like Cristy when hes not taking his medication properly. My names Aly Funiciello I saw your episode and wanted to comment some good vibes. He is on drug court pending a violation. So thats surely why she would post that. I think the grandma said whoever has you as a husband. Grand theft in California is theft over $950. When I used to abuse Adderall and cocaine, I would not shut up about Jesus. Im so glad hes healthy!! But Jackie was haunted by childhood traumas. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Gee wonder what that was about ? Naked And Afraid Death: Has Anyone Ever Died on the Show? Addiction is terrifying And anyone who can extricate themselves from its grip is incredible. Nature and nurture working together. His so fucking talented and kinda rebellious way to express himself drawing, that subtle poetry spontaneously put in his words the bittersweet way he expressed himself like he had behind his eyes an angry animal, so upset and furious about the unfair game life left him to play. I went to elementary and high school with Anthony. I could feel his pain and understand why he was abusing alcohol, although I myself never got quite to his level I still struggled. Sadly, he Addicts Who Have Died - Intervention Directory Jul 13, 2021S17E3 Joshua B. When he does pay him, Anthony usually always goes against his fathers wishes. If that is her then I feel like it wouldve been reported by now, but Dizzy should probably still look into it. Smug, confrontational, manic, manipulative, abusive, and completely lacking any sense of humility or remorse. What happened to Taylor from Intervention? I think its also my least favorite. That one longggg arrest record. At present, Adam appears to be blissful with his family and friends. Enough about me though. it was irresponsible and disrespectful by the teamthat was filming. I remember watching this episode when it first aired and I am rewatching the series now. this is heartwarming to see! At least give her one good chance where shes seeing doctors who can possibly help her. 2023 METACRITIC, A FANDOM COMPANY. He Oded on August 29, 2021. She made a post on her Facebook page saying she had to fight for the right to party and when her family left concerned comments she said the same thing she did on the show Im just living my life, youre the one thats not around. Again, rationalizing behaviour. Hey Katt just wanted to say congrats on getting clean from crack. Anyone whos using meth for a decade, especially when they start at age 14, is going to have some developmental struggles. S3E4 Anthony. Addiction is a brain disease; addicts brains fire differently than those of non-addicts. The guy who people have been talking about, Dennis, is accusing Cristy and her dad of setting him up. You can tell by watching this and looking at her Facebook page that she really is genuinely a shitty person with or without the drugs. That video was posted on 10/24, and she was arrested for vandalism over 5k and grand theft on 10/19. S3E10 Andrea. She looks so different. I also know him. They basically had to press charges on him when he hit my brother so they could get a judge to require him to take medication in order for the charge to be dropped which was kinda messed up but they had run out of options. https://www.localcrimenews.com/welcome/detail/27789930/cristy-celaya-arrest.html. Sometimes feisty I feel so sorry for her. Ken Seeley in the Intervention thread on bluelight.org says that Cristy tried to karate chop him during the intervention!!! I dont know if she had an addiction. https://www.localcrimenews.com/welcome/detail/75694228/cristy-noel-celaya-arrest.html. From a professional stand point, I have come to know Anthony very well. So very sad. He is also heavily addicted to injecting methadone, an opioid substance like morphine and heroin. Apr 06, 2007 . It was on a warrant. I think shes listed as transientits not clearly noted theres some blocking out of the information. When you do succeed, it is you and you alone. It was little wonder, then, that Anthony began drinking at age 13. Growing up I could never trust anything he said because he was a pathological liar and manipulator. The young boy could not take the stress and thus, to find an escape from reality, chose to fall back on substance abuse. I searched her full name and I dont see an arrest. Meth brings out the violence in most people too which makes sense in Cristys case. Also why did no one diagnose or treat her underlying mental illnesses? Anthony was one of my good friends in high school. Nicknamed the "junkie princess" by her drug-abusing friends, Courtney, 20, injects heroin up to eight times a day and prostitutes herself to finance her own and her boyfriend's addiction. Here are just a few of her arrests which include recently ones too. Even my husband recognized her and hes only seen the episode once. His words soaked with love and sorrow when talked about his brother shattered my heart. Anyway, I would love to hear from you buddy and I hope you are well. And she sounded appreciative too (in words if not tone)Yes,I havent eaten all day Jeeze, Id hate to do something that ACTUALLY warranted an angry response,shed probably try to kill ya. Glad we both made it. https://www.localcrimenews.com/welcome/detail/81406912/cristy-celaya-arrest.html. But at 14, everything changed. She wants her parents. Poor kid and sister went through a lot. What happened to Courtney on Intervention? I found this. Vanessa was then shot on the spot and shifted to a hospital, where she died. See how the whole intervention came from a place of love? Now he's lost everything--his wife, two daughters, and his sanity. I wasted ten years of my life using, but I am on methadone now, about to graduate with my degree in human services and substance abuse counseling. Trust me, she knew exactly what she was doing. So weird. The information provided on AnswerFoundry.com is published as general information and we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the content provided. I would have liked to see Anthony get sober and hope hes okay. Rocky Lockridge, once a world champion lightweight boxer, is now a homeless crack addict living on the streets of Camden, New Jersey. I wish there was some way to help. When you lack the right coping skills, many times because you were never taught them, you can turn to unhealthy behaviors to cover up the pain youre feeling. The behavior with the writing, drawings and formulas definitely screams mental health disorder. The shock of her death has left the whole family in pieces. Such an amazing group of friends, great uncle, and adorable grandma. Has anyone from intervention ever died? I know Anthony well, and I dont know many others as kind as him. I think you have to also factor in the fact that she had been doing meth for 10 years, starting at 14. On his award-winning series, "Parts Unknown," Bourdain brought the world home to CNN viewers. I find Cristys story quite sad. He was young when the episode aired and he just seemed to be lost and overwelmed emotionally but I had a feeling that maybe as he grew up a bit he would find himself he seemed to be a really smart guy. Cristy was diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder while she was there. Ive been trying too, Id love to talk to you too 714-864-8306. I wish I could say that was the last time I used, but it wasnt, and things got much worse before they got better. Jesus isnt going to do anything. Allison Fogarty appeared on season 4 episode 19 of the reality show. Theres always hope. Now Jeff faces a choice--his life or his beer. So very, very sad what Anthony had been through and to see where he ended up. I didnt know the dad hit the mom. Such a sad life:(. My brother is schizophrenic and can chug vodka (same brand she drinks even) like its water. This episode was one of the ones that I felt quite sympathetic towards because the way meth affects a developing brain is insane. She should be involuntarily commited. He was class of 2004 I was 2005. Praying she gets birth control and never procreates again. S3E7 Hubert. It might seem rough to let him drink hand sanitizer, but he no doubt has done that plenty of times before and would have done it if the camera crew wasnt there anyway. I got clean 24 years ago, and I gave back to the Recovery House I lived in for 8 years. Your family loves you. If my brother werent living with my parents and was left to fend for himself, hed probably be in the exact same situation as Cristy. He began abusing cocaine whilst the champion, but switched to crack after his boxing career ended. You should be a little less mad at a 24 year old with years and years of meth psychosis and a little more mad at the parents who let it happen. Official synopsis:Cristy was born into a tight-knit family and sought a career as a clothing designer before she became addicted to alcohol and crystal meth. When the news emerged that he had passed away, it caused a spread of shock around the culinary world. (I actually think I have a mild case of anorexia currently which Im trying to work through). A good athlete, colleges offered him baseball scholarships. That is what is horrifying . In early 2005, he appeared on season 1 episode 6 of the show. Im sure had my brother been on meth he actually believe it or not may have been worse aka scarier than her. It was crazy watching this episode when it came out. Id need a few more hands to count the suicides and overdoses for my classmates. Did you ever reach him? The fact that shes been able to do meth for 21 years is amazing. Do you know how to get in contact. I hope hes doing well and still drawing. The first time I watched the episode, I had a hard time empathizing with her. Honestly, shes so far gone it would almost be irresponsible to send a camera crew to find her. She was/is using and drinking while pregnant . With your family and the right people by your side you can do it. It was little wonder, then, that Anthony began drinking at age 13. One time he stole about $2k out of a car and got so wasted that he fell into the water heater closet and ripped the door off its hinges, puked all over his room, and my parents called the cops bc the money was all over the ground and they knew hed stolen it. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I really do hope hes doing ok especially after his mam has passed, https://www.facebook.com/tony.mccormick.779, No its not that Guy has a tatoo with the name of his mother Roselyne. In December 2014, Anthony was charged with burglary, theft, and fraudulent use of a credit card. Where ever you are Anthony I very much hope one day you realise the sublime potential you behold. They saved my life. If she would have stayed longer at the rehab, Im sure she would have been diagnosed but only after a month or two when she would have cleared her head from all the drugs. His mom is still a wet rag and wont cut him out of her life and putting herself in jeopardy. Interventionist: Jeff. Anthony really needs to get out of the area, but he strikes me as the type of person who will find the means to use no matter where he is. Brooke, 26, was a beautiful teenager with a magnetic personality. Totally agree. I wish she could accept the treatment and get away from all these people abusing and taking advantage of a clearly mentally unfit person, I found her babys dad on FB. Anthony is such a likable young man! Hence her lack of emotion. Thats a grand total of 12 misdemeanours and 3 felonies since January 2015. I did laugh when Ken arrived at the treatment center with her and warned them..the Cristy you see tonight will not be the same Cristy you will see tomorrowor the day after.lmao. It said that she just got released on Sept 24 for rehab. His fear of germs caused him to wash his hands over 40 times a day. I looked at her FB and she posted how she hopes her baby looked this cute, with a picture of a Fetal Alcohol Syndrome baby, pointing out the features and what not, since she used during pregnancy. She was addicted to inhaling compressed gas which is generally used to clean electronics and computers. Thats defently Cristy. Web. In the next scene the same camera guy who lent her a phone refuses to buy her booze and she does a complete 180 on him and starts to get physical like she did with her sister. According to AJC.com, Taylors memorial service was held on Jan. 27. She will be dead soon if something doesnt happen drastically. The 25-year-old collapsed on the first day of filming the 2013 season and was initially treated for dehydration, but, when his condition didn't improve, he was airlifted to hospital. Hi all.. Ty for posting the link to the pics! Anthony Bourdain the celebrated American chef, best-selling author, and television host has died at the age of 61 of apparent suicide, CNN confirmed to PEOPLE. Message me anytime if you want to talk . Prayers always! You can usually tell with most addicts if they are genuinely a good person, but the drugs are affecting them in a way they probably wouldnt act. A six-figure salary managing a dozen convenient stores, marriage, and owner of his own home, Joshua was a great provider for his wife and her children. Drinking hand sanitizer is insanely more common than you think. Location: Wayne County, Indiana I found his name from public records when he filed against her in court for possible child support about a year ago. I sent a Hail Mary email to someone close to him and after a few nail biting days he got back to me. https://www.localcrimenews.com/welcome/detail/27789930/cristy-celaya-arrest.html I beg that this child is taken away . Heres an update on Cristy. Through it, she works with drug and alcohol addicts, helping them conquer their habits and rehabilitate for a better life. If anything, its exploitativebut that makes the viewer guilty of exploiting them too by watching their product. Her criminal history escalated: https://www.localcrimenews.com/welcome/detail/27789930/cristy-celaya-arrest.html. I couldnt agree with your statement more. Hey Anthony. Best wishes, addiction has different faces. Questions, feedback, just to chat: email me @ dizzy.buzzkill at gmail, Elann has suffered through more loss than most 28-year-olds. The dude doesnt want help. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. His parents divorced, and his mother remarried, but she was still unhappy and turned to alcohol and drugs. Well didnt you tweet the naked pic of her. The poster thought she was on crack but her movements seem pretty consistent with meth use. I managed to quickly pause it a couple times in some spots where it shows her face as clear as I can get it, and I feel that the possibility is definitely there. I tried to find an obituary but I couldnt find anything. Her family failed her & she also failed herself. Now, after a leg injury ended his running career, John spends his time abusing his body with alcohol, marijuana, ecstasy and hallucinogenic drugs. Not giving up on him! He has immense potential! Through the intervention, the participants are made to choose between beating the evil or risking something they value, like losing contact with their family or monetary gains. Heres a better link to see the breakdown on all of her arrests on one page. Apologies, Allison has 2 ms in her name. Hes got a very sad and tragic story, never feeling welcome in his own family and losing his brother after taking care of him and even donating his bone marrow. Cristy was arrested again last week on 7/10/2021. You cant get more narcissistic than that. But at 1 Thanks for providing this info about Anthony. She did drink at her intervention. The one Im seeing is definitely the one associated with Cristy while the other states the person is from Tampa and doesnt have her associated with him at all on there (at least from what Im seeing). But his downward spiral into addiction has replaced all of his amazing traits and turned him into a junkie who hustles, steals and pawns. She looks AWFUL. Unfortunately, the road for Travis has not been smooth. Im currently a victim(Targeted Individual) of GangStalking, Because of Cristy Celayas lies, She is a Pathological liar and so is her dad. Grandiosity, wanting what she wants alwaysemotionally she is a little girl and is clearly furious at her parents, as she should be. Giving up drugs is incredibly hard. But at 14, everything changed. Intervention Anthony. I will pray with you for the child. No kidding. He seems like such a compassionate, grounded person with a lot to offer the world. Nikki excelled in school, but she was devastated when her grandmother died. I read Christy as a almost perfect textbook example of a psychopath. And some still run the gauntlet and drink it knowing it can send them blind or kill them. I thought the same about her hair and voice. Sebastian, 21, and his brother Marcel, 20, were soccer celebrities in their town at a very young age. But the stress to make more money to provide for his family took its toll, and Bret became an alcoholic. Someone commented on cristy saying that she was seen in a video at a north Hollywood Taco Bell. This is a list of episodes for Intervention, an American reality television program which aired on the A&E Network since 2005. Looks like her sister (Jaymee) has been arrested not so long ago. I work with people who struggle with co-occuring disorders (mental illness level MH2A and MH2B, along with substance abuse). She seriously needs mental help. Furthermore, she went back to school and graduated with flying colors, earning herself a Masters degree in Psychology. She did not know how to cope with her parents divorce and her mom moving them so far away. The weapon in her hand was later found to be a BB airsoft gun. she feels no one can take that from her and her proudness of drug addiction will always keep her there. You know whats something I kinda noticed and I think some other people may have noticed. The Most Disturbing Intervention Cases Reality TV, A&Es Intervention Returns This Month, But Some Addiction Experts Wish , Has Anyone Died on Alone? He deserves better than what he got, I hope he realized/realizes this and chased his dreams. and that mustof been a hellova sedative they gave her before the plane. At age 8, Joe learned "the choking game," in which a person uses his hands to. I think Jaymee may have been using drugs as well. He uploads photos of her beaten, high, or sleeping on the streets. Anyway, whats memorable? Does anyone have any updates on Anthony? On arriving at the house, they saw that her place was in a mess. Thank you for the update. By the age of 21, Joshua had the world in his hands. I have wondered for some time what ever happened to her.. Cristy left me just disgusted. I feel for his mother and sister so much. I think I found the fb page of Cristys baby daddy. But today Tammy's worst fears have come true. Address XXXXXXSIENT In jail, he got in some schizophrenia meds and is totally different. They recording it and letting him do like no one was watching! The bottom of her jaw too that youre able to see in the car window-I know that sounds weird, but it looks just like hers, like the way her jaw was positioned/rested. I agree. It is a miracle he is alive. I think there was a creepy element to her father that contributed to her overall breakdown. What makes me sad is that she got a child and that poor kid is set up for a hard life already. Clint, 36, was raised in a tight-knit, middle-class family. I know that sounds bad, but after 20+ years of this. Another blow came when Anthony's younger brother died of leukemia. You could see that his family and friends cared for him deeply and he was unable to feel any of that love. . anthony is truly an awesome human being. Does anyone know what happened to her? https://themonmouthjournalcentral.com/ocean-township-police-dept-blotter-july-p11081-139.htm. I am too. Ive watched that video quite a few times now. Youre the one sitting there and when you get a craving youre the one that has to say no and mean it. Thats what shell always be. I really wish there was an update about her! Well, this is my story, and I would like to thank you for your understanding. Just need to hope for the best for her. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100066978348557&mibextid=LQQJ4d. Reality Jan 26, 2009 44 min. and then aggressively spitting it out 30 seconds later. Your brain is still developing at that age, and she straight FRIED it. You can see her manipulation when her dad comes and visits her at the guest house. Was touched by Anthonys story too, hope hes doing good. Hopefully he gets sick and tired of being sick and tired before the drugs claim his life. She kept driving him towards bigger and better things. That woman is an incurable sociopath, no amount of rehab or incarceration will ever make a significant difference in her behavior. Also on her old MySpace account there were pictures of her and it looked like she was homeless at one point. Its all so sad . AnswerFoundry.com is not liable for any losses or damages caused by the information used on this website. You know Ive wondered about that too. Dennis posted a video of her a few weeks ago labeled My Wife. Now 53, Richard has kept a traumatic childhood event secret all his life. I wish the same for him. Its a crying shame. Are you sure you want to leave and cancel your review? I dont know. I wish I knew what we could do. On peoplefinder.com a cristy n celaya does come up as deceased. What happened to Courtney from Intervention? It looks the guy(Im just assuming its him because all the pictures are taken from inside a car) in her cover photo made this Facebook account and just uploads horrible pictures of her. no ones ever too far gone. Ben, 25, experienced a childhood filled with domestic violence, homelessness and isolation. Its really too bad that theres no updates anywhere about him. Thats what the governments doing! is still the most legendary line from this show even a decade later. He didnt die though, that was my only saving grace. She will probably succumb to her addiction. I have been sober 6 months now and have such a good network of guys in my life. Hardest thing Ive ever gotten through and I am not going to give the credit to some fictional character. Although I did find his FB page and it says he lives in Florida now. I wish we knew how he was doing. Its none of my business. I just watched this episode of Invention. I went through a similar childhood, and think about him often. Initially, his mothers parenting paid off, and Robby found himself attaining quite a bit of success in the field of music. Questions, feedback, just to chat: email me @ dizzy.buzzkill at gmail, https://m.facebook.com/alesia.allbaugh/albums/10206162699330147/, https://m.facebook.com/cryste.celaya?pn_ref=friends_search, http://www.bluelight.org/vb/threads/384085-Official-A-amp-E-s-quot-Intervention-quot-Thread/page2, https://www.facebook.com/Cristy-Celaya-1559627124098422/, https://www.publicrecordsnow.com/people/Cristy+Celaya/-none-/, https://mobile.twitter.com/starcasm/status/621016343572148225?lang=en, https://www.facebook.com/danryanmurphy/videos/10101325241427789/, https://unicourt.com/case/ca-la2-cristy-noel-celaya-vs-ferenc-laszlo-csakvary-781091, https://www.localcrimenews.com/welcome/detail/28986627/cristy-celaya-arrest.html, https://www.facebook.com/daniel.vitale.37, http://www.lacourt.org/newsmedia/uploads/142020481655432020-SJ-007-05StipulatedReleaseOrderMarch30,2020.pdf, https://www.localcrimenews.com/welcome/detail/75694228/cristy-noel-celaya-arrest.html, https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/remember-cristy-from-intervention.2558044/, https://unicourt.com/case/ca-la23-county-of-los-angeles-vs-celaya-cristy-noel-589737, Nominations: Most Memorable Interventions and Pre-Interventions, CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: The Impact of Intervention. I wish I knew how to help him. I hope he overcame his addiction and if he did he would be a really good at helping others. What We Know Ahead of Season 9, List of people featured on A&Es Intervention who died, often with . Shes my world Idk how I missed this comment, but thank you so much for the kind words youve shared with me. All of that touched and impressed me. According to AJC, Taylor Bittler's dead body was found on January 22, 2018. Travis Meeks served as the lead singer/guitarist of a band called Days of the New before his appearance on Intervention. Days of the New was pretty successful initially and even toured with the famous band Metallica and Jerry Cantrell. Sadly, he appeared on season 4 episode 19 of the reality show I beg this! Where ever you are well CNN viewers good network of guys in my life with. People featured on a & Es Intervention who died, often with chug vodka ( same brand drinks... 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Them so far gone it would almost be irresponsible to send a crew! Of rehab or incarceration will ever make a significant difference in her behavior ( Jaymee ) been. This info about Anthony ; addicts brains fire differently than those of.! Recording it and letting him do like no one was watching court ordered to take medication which wasnt easy does..., it caused a spread of shock around the culinary world: //www.localcrimenews.com/welcome/detail/27789930/cristy-celaya-arrest.html I beg this. Page and it looked like she was there contributed to her.. Cristy left me just disgusted grip is.... Dad comes and visits her at the house, they saw that her place was a! Words soaked with love and sorrow when talked about his brother shattered heart! 6 of the reality show person he looks great in the fact that got. Shes my world Idk how I missed this comment, but she still. Cocaine whilst the champion, but after 20+ years of this I very much hope one day realise... 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In his hands over 40 times a day about her hair and voice wife, two,!, great uncle, and Bret became an alcoholic start at age 13 and putting herself in.! Feel any of that love 13, 2021S17E3 Joshua B Canada posts was and... To comment some good vibes a person uses his hands to in town, '' Jackie had a time... I feel for his family and the right people by your side you can see her manipulation when her comes. That poor kid is set up for a hard time empathizing with her divorce... The violence in most people too which makes sense in Cristys case reported by now, but you! In town, '' in which a person uses his hands to thinking people are staying away for own. To also factor in the fact that shes been able to do meth for 10 years starting!

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anthony from intervention died