If I broke FearRP here I sincerely apologize as that was not my intention but from my understanding of the rules, what I did was fair game. I could not see you typing from my pov at the time I decided to run. This decision is final. GTA V RP server he said he planted weed, from his clip it says welcome back and new join messages did he log out for 10 min wait for weed to grow and just logged in and i was there? Copyright 2023 ECLIPSE Roleplay Therefore, you were completely held under Fear RP, but you failed to comply with their orders and decided to shoot back instead. While often hosting about 200 players at a time, the player count can reach up to 300 and over during the weekends. Regards, Told them both to get to the back of the store and they both decide to start shootin. In most servers that use this, it is against the rules to pull out a weapon or attempt to run away when your character has a gun aimed at it. After our deliberations, weve concluded that this report will be denied for the following reason(s): The situation was played out right by the reported party where they had some claims and allegations putting the reporting party in an immediate danger. so I just did a report and told you to save pov in case nobody was available to help at that moment, For transparency, the video does not contain anything sensitive. Evidence of rule breach: After reviewing this report and the evidence attached to it, we would like to receive a response from the following player(s) to explain their side of the story: @antoniovitto - Antonio_Vitto (ID 26) - Do you believe it was realistic and reasonable to take advantage of someone typing to run away while held under gunpoint? In this situation, Swarles_Bridge does not break the fear roleplay rule because he is in a powered vehicle when being issued demands by Bear_Okazaki and has every right to drive off. By Fiftyy , September 21, 2022. Other player(s) involved: How did the player break the rule(s)? Eclipse RP Features Show Off #1. Join a massive english (300 words maximum)\ When you have a firearm drawn and are facing the other person before they attacked. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. All in all, the whole situation could have been played out better. Date of interaction reported: 17/Dec/2022 Players whose life is in direct danger must RP adequate fear and comply with demands given to them. Foreword. If it wasn't reasonable, wars would never be fought. In the fear-roleplay rules it directly states that: A player is not showing proper fear if they run on foot/bike or in an unpowered vehicle and a weapon is aimed at them at close range, of if they drive into an active shootout more than once without the intent of providing cover or fleeing with it, A player has the option to react if they are in a powered vehicle, if they already have a weapon drawn facing the attacker, or if the attackers view is obstructed by an object. In this case, you should have waited for them to finish their typing before you decided to bolt away and you must also RP said attempt with the fact of you being under gunpoint. If an attacker lowers their weapon to type, victims which were under fear RP remain as so. It is common for gang members to mix over radio to either troll or to try and reference a rule IC - this should not be occurring. i would like to also ask why is OTF command continuously using fchat and /pm to slander our gang. We aim for balanced gameplay through this rule, and it may not be representative of real life at times. As stated above, Swarles was in his powered vehicle and had the option of driving off as he did. Please provide all if any, available unedited evidence of the situation including any escalation leading up to the shown events. Returning to a scene as well of your death is also breaking NLR. After doing so, Swarles proceeds to tell him to fuck off numerous times (12 times to be exact), at which point Domonic finally decides to leave the area. Cars begin to hit each other, such as Swarles with the drag and the elegy with Swarles - a mess of collisions. One of the best Grand Theft Auto V roleplay communities! Examples of basic commands. One of the best Grand Theft Auto V roleplay communities! Eclipse Roleplay Server Rules 2019.pdf - Google Drive. Another Huge Update Gta 5 Rp Eclipse Roleplay You. If you are feeling alone, get yourself a pet! Eclipse GTA V Roleplay server I will not make this a warning again in the future. We aim for balanced gameplay through this rule, and it may not be representative of real life at times. Senior Support Tenbae&PopTarts, Copyright 2023 ECLIPSE Roleplay Direct danger could mean, for example, a gun aimed at your head or at you from close vicinity, by any player. Evidence of rule breach: PENDING RESPONSE Hello WARNING I PLAY ON A LAPTOP AND HAVE COOLING FANS VOLUME IN VIDEO IS LOUD, from My POV i saw you coming from a mile away but i was stuck in an animation that did not allow me to do anything about it, you should know this if you pick weed frequently, I could not pull out my knife do anything to rp overpowering you, so you approached me with you gun drawn telling me to put my hands up. EVIDENCE:Movies & TV (gyazo.com)https://streamable.com/egel0e, REPORT ACCEPTED Try Finish roleplaying the situation and submit a FRP ticket in our discord with as . This sort of ignores the entire character's background, and the very way how fear works in the first place. We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. Examples (but not limited to), where your character's life is considered to be in direct danger: When you are on foot or bike and a weapon is aimed at you at close range. With ID 161 attempting to attack me earlier on my block in front of my gang compounded with the ongoing situation I felt I was perfectly within the rules to hit ID 161 off his bike which really should have disabled him, I'm unsure how the player didnt end up injured. Roland_Macfadden ID 44 - Fear Roleplay (FRP). This is a case of desync not fear RP. How did the player break the rule(s)? Answer: In an Eclipse IDE, we can have a number of projects in the 'Package Explorer'. Attempting to piss off another gang member in their HQ for a shootout to occur is not similar to the Christopher Bridge report, so Im actually confused as to why it is being referenced. A player is not showing proper fear if they run while on foot/bike or in an unpowered vehicle and a weapon is aimed at them at close range. 5th Edition Horror. By Player Reports. Don't encourage or force other member's to break any rules Do not break character when a rule is broken. Alireza_Khan ID 76 (notified in game) why did you run away at gun point, then turn around and pull your pistol out? If you are in breach of the below rules you may receive a warning or a ban depending on the severity of the offence, staff have the discretion when taking action for breaches of . Fear RP: Fear roleplay is the concept of roleplaying. The FearRP rule states "Players whose life is in direct danger must RP adequate fear and comply with demands given to them. Date of interaction reported: 21/DEC/2022 Other player(s) involved: Your characters name: Chuck Mangione A player is not showing proper fear if they run while on foot/bike or in an unpowered vehicle and a weapon is aimed at them at close range, or if they drive into an active shootout more than once without the intent of providing cover or fleeing with it. https://streamable.com/qg39co, https://streamable.com/whbiwx - Part 1 ID161 Tagging A player still has the option to react if they are in a powered vehicle, if they already have a weapon drawn facing their attacker, or if their attacker's view is obstructed by an object. Work as a garbage man or buy yourself a business. Also just cause she was shooting doesnt mean she is the best shot but its clear she was shooting at you there. If the requested player(s) do not respond within 24 hours, this report will be concluded based on the evidence that has already been provided, to the best of our ability. Niko_Carterwill be receiving aFearRP Punishmentfor the reportedincident. 200 players Your characters name: Bear_okazaki Now to explain the reasoning behind the issued punishment, you were approached by the reporting party from the back with a gun pointed at you. First of all i though he wasnt trying to scam me so i didint even record the situation sadly. Specific rule(s) broken: 13. The reasoning behind these punishments is quite simple - In the provided evidence, the reporting player can be seen withdrawing their weapon and issuing demands as the player wentto search his bike's inventory. Shortly after, the reported player fully acknowledges the threat anddecides to not comply with the demands issued by the reporting player, and to get on his bike and drive off, failing to value his life properly. Time of rule breach: 5 PM EST Consider this a reminder to refrain from hitting each other with vehicles as it does not promote good roleplay AT ALL, and instead is considered unrealistic. If an attacker lowers their weapon to type, victims whowere under fear RP remain as so. Suggesting some s. Download GTA 5 for desktop. However, once I am threatened with a weapon and then boxed in and then chased for supposedly already hitting ID 161, ID 161 parks his drag in front of me and I take the opportunity to thin the pack of hostile people chasing me (Yes ID 161 did chase me from the motel and then drove ahead of me). Non-rp fear- Failing to display fear during a roleplay event. Shooting at a cop in pursuit does not mean that they will stop chasing you, but you are right that they should create a safe distance if they are unable to return fire, which Redhot would have done if he actually knew he was being shot at. while being chased my passenger ID 84 was shooting at SDs tires that were pursuing us at multiple times in the pursuit. Best Gta 5 Roleplaying Servers Pro Game Guides. Eclipse RP is one of the most popular GTA 5 RP servers out there. Which gives plenty of reason for his friends to call 911, and have PD respond to your RV. Powered by Invision Community. We would like to receive a response from the following player(s) to explain their side of the story: [@Kjaer] Swarles_Bridge[92] - Please explain your side of the story and provide any additional evidence that you may have. From mechanics to emergency services, from los santos police to downtown cab, you will be able to choose from any of these and many more government and non-government factions to fulfill your desire. There is no need to send slanderous PM's to other players regarding their intentions on the server. Your characters name: Jesus Reyes. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. Swarles was not in a bike with no cover in close range, he was in a powered SUV that had covered him somewhat, allowing him to drive off as he did. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. (All while it is the most IC'ly populated area that our gang maintains and it is across from O Block, what was originally our HQ.) GTA V Roleplay Server. This would fall under using a vehicle to block an exit in the non-roleplay rulebreak. he takes off towards popular street hitting one our members elegy who accidently pulled in front of the exit not realizing the guy was rushing out like that. As a victim, whose life is in direct danger: You must display reasonable value for your life and comply with the demands of your attacker. If a player's life is in direct danger they must RP adequate fear and comply with demands. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. There was 1. Powergaming - Doing something that you cannot do in real life as well as forcing role-play upon another player. Evidence against your word, isnt going to get you very far, alright im sorry it was my fault you want it there you are. . The application process consists of several open questions related to our server rules and roleplay scenarios. i've had encounters with this person frequently and evetimehe looses or dies he pm me to save POV and his friends show up. You cannot call 911 or call your friends or allies to aid you. Why does it appear that you are blatantly hitting ID 161[Domonic_Banks] on his drag with your large SUV when driving away towards the end of the POV provided? Define Key Bindings For Eclipse Commands Tutorial. After reviewing this report and the evidence attached to it, we've decided to accept this report and issue punishment(s) to the following player(s): Swarles_Bridge [92] - Vehicle Deathmatching | Intentionally hitting another player off their bike when NOT in an active shootout. How did the player break the rule(s)? In addition to this, the roleplay being displayed of swinging at Swarles is not the kind of roleplay we would like to see, especially since swinging at him is being hostile without a weapon, in front of all their gang members - it is not showing any sort of fear for your life, especially when the person you are swinging at (Swarles) has a weapon on them that could be drawn at any time. Player(s) being reported:ID 44 Unix time stamp from HUD: 1671663784. Eclipse Rp Gta V Roleplaying Server. Fast forwarding, Swarles then decides to pay niners HQ a visit, in which he drives in and heavy shit talk begins from niners to Swarles. Fail RP / FRP. Search. This concept is mainly used as an attempt to make . By Fear Roleplay is the concept of showing appropriate care and concern to preserve your character's safety and life. you will never feel alone in the sunny city of Los Santos! This concept is most commonly used in DarkRP, but it is also used in other gamemodes such as HL2RP. Other player(s) involved:LFM , Azteca,FSO,TRCC @Shadyar8023It is up to staff to decide if a report can be withdrawn or not. Evidence of rule breach: PENDING RESPONSE Eclipse Roleplay is a heavy voice roleplay server which to us means our staff enforces being. If an attacker lowers their weapon to type, victims whowere under fear RP remain as so. Continue. MCRP Rule Book Click the above link to access our rules. An 'Open' project will consume a lot of memory. Aug 25, 2016. Hector2Fingers, October 20, 2022 in Archive, Player(s) being reported: Billy_Valentine [ID 69] Thank you for your patience while this report was under review. Don't get caught or you will end up in prison. GTSDeathClutch, December 21, 2022 in Archive, Player(s) being reported: ID 93 I was typing my response sorry mills we sent it pretty much at the same time! turning his wheel into our elegy who was trying to get ahead of the chase. In regards to the VDM situation, he intentionally tried to hit me twice. Player being reported: Stranger 3801_7700 Date of rule breach: 27/01/2018 Time of rule breach: 5 PM EST Your characters name: Chuck Mangione Other players involved: None Specific rule broken: Fear RP: Fear roleplay is the concept of roleplaying fear for your character's life in situations where your attacker is able to quickly end your life at will. This also includes the accusing another player of baiting DM rights (just report and let us evaluate, as I just did.) How did the player break the rule(s)? But I digress. Jordan drives forward slightly to block Swarles in the SUV, but is met with damage as Swarles forces his way out. Fear Roleplay (FRP) Fear roleplay is the concept of roleplaying fear for your character's safety and life. We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. I then decided to make a run for it as i was fearing for my life and u weren't giving me any directions and had your gun lowered and you were by yourself i wasnt being actively "watched".. By Upon arrest attempt, he claimed to have a bomb. ID 44 had his back to me looting my gang mate stripping his weapons and the ammo whenI approached him from behind and gave him demands at gun point at which time instead of complying andfearing forhis life he decides to roll and turn opening fire and injuring me. A player has the option to react if they are in a powered vehicle, if they already have a weapon drawn facing their attacker, or if their attacker's view is obstructed by an object. Tbh most people play RP servers like it's GTAO anyway so Eclipse should be killing it. Thank you for your patience and comments provided for this report. Once ID 78 was injured I finished him off he then returned to the scene sooner than 30 minutes and told the officer who had hit LSC ignoring that fact that he should have lost all information leading to his death. Sadly, it looks like it hasn't. Gta V Rp Eclipse Roleplay Part 1 You. Download & Play he then continues to run and attempts to ram Jafari off of his bike, and zig zagging all over the place. [@Scrapper] Jordan_Moore [37] - Please explain your side of the story and provide any additional evidence that you may have. Fear Roleplay (FRP) Fear Roleplay is the concept of showing appropriate care and concern to prese. The following people will be tagged/notified to give their side of the story within the next. Inside the city, do not discuss the rules/terms. When the attackers view is obstructed by an object or when they turn their back on you. It is important to remember that Vehicles cannot be used as weapons in active shootouts unless where unavoidable. Fear Roleplay (FRP) 12. Hello guys, Sorry for the late response i didint think i was goin to get reported. Powered by Invision Community. Fear roleplay, commonly abbreviated 'FearRP', is the concept that your character is afraid to die. In addition, please answer the following: - [Player Notified] - Can you please provide any footage you have of the situation and give your side of events that took place during this situation? Following review of all evidence and provided statements, we have made the decision toacceptthis report and conclude it as follows: Shady_Williamswill be receiving aDeathmatching Punishmentfor the reported incident. Examples (but not limited to), where your character's life is considered to be in direct danger: Examples (but not limited to . Any and all footage is appreciated! Fear Roleplay (FRP) Fear Roleplay is the concept of showing appropriate care and concern to preserve your character's safety and life. Copyright 2023 ECLIPSE Roleplay There is mixing that keeps occurring throughout the videos provided - dont say things such as he cannot do that when referencing the ramming or anything that has occurred. . 1. Unless instructed to, if you post another player report pertaining to this incident, you may be muted from posting on the forums for a temporary period. I have notified the player in game. When hitting LSC one mechanic had pulled out his gun injuring my ally, upon starting to shoot that mechanic ID 78 started punching me even once the mechanic with the gun was injured showing no fear for his life as I had a gun he didn't. you just said get back to the store while you werent in store how should i understand that your are talking to us ? Player(s) being reported: ID 78 AdministratorSkiperz& Senior Support Icarus. Senior Support Lightninbolt9 13. My POV:https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/FlAXjLEsQ3KeY/d1337vo2LrPn?invite=cr-MSxzaU8sNjEwOTMxNDMs, REPORT DENIED If the reporting party suffered a loss greater than $25,000 in value, feel free to file arefund requestfollowing therefund request guidelines and format. Again, my Shadowplay is not working correctly and was only able to get the tail end of our conversation. player 56 SMS'd me on his phone and wanted to sell me an SMG and we met at the bank and we went to an alleyway near the bank to make the deal about that hes selling an SMG to me for 47k and then I said ''can I see it'' and he replied ''yes'' and when he was searching his bike's inventory while on his foot, I went behind him with my gun aimed at him and told him to put his hands up in a close range but he got on his bike and flees. each day will be different than the one before. We would like to receive a response from the following player(s) to explain their side of the story: [Notified In-Game] - Domonic_Banks (161) - What was your reasoning for attempting/threateningto spraypaint graffiti at OTF's HQ? O-Block is their HQ, that apartment complex next to Dutch St. As far as I am aware you are only allowed one HQ, now if that rule has been changed or if Meatshop is populated then the community should be made aware of this. If you have received a punishment that you disagree with, feel free to file apunishment appealfollowing thepunishment appealguidelines and format. How did the player break the rule(s)? doesn't make sense for you to keep telling us we need to fear you guys as well as constantly /b /pm to change the route of Rp scenarios. Can you please provide your side of events that took place during this situation in further detail if possible? If the requested player(s) do not respond within 24 hours, this report will be concluded based on the evidence that has already been provided, to the best of our ability. Keep gang beef IC and COMPLETELY IC. By The worst part about the rule is the assumption that fear equals surrender. When confronted to situations that could lead to PK, fear roleplay should be initiated, commonly abbreviated 'FearRP', which is the concept that your . 13. As stated above, no further inquiry is needed at this time. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. Other player (s) involved: King_Lee, Callum_Macquoid, Luca_Andollini. The two situations are different. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. When the attackers view is obstructed by an object or when they turn their back on you. A player is not showing proper fear if they run while on foot/bike or in an unpowered vehicle and a weapon is aimed at them at close range, or if they drive into an active shootout more than once without the intent of providing cover or fleeing with it. Basic Chat Commands. ((OTF LEADER in Ballas actual HQ being very aggressive. is waiting for you! There is still opportunity to pursue the RP even after he leaves the area. If the reporting party suffered a loss greater than ($25,000) in value, feel free to file a refund request following the refund request guidelines and format. A gun is being pointed at you, so you have to surrender. RP stands for roleplay. Moderator mills, Copyright 2023 ECLIPSE Roleplay You must display reasonable value for your life and comply with the demands of your attacker. Examples (but not limited to), where your characters life is NOT considered to be in direct danger: Guns, drugs, poker - everything is here. Your characters name:Dave Weeden We in our By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. REPORT ACCEPTED Yes I feared for my life adequately as this area isnt OOCly populated as an HQ would be to my knowledge. (161) - What was your reasoning for attempting/threateningto spraypaint graffiti at OTF's HQ? Fear Roleplay is the concept of showing appropriate care and concern to preserve your character's safety and life. When you are in a car which engine is not stalled. causing himself to fly into the pole stalling his own vehicle. In this case, you should have waited for them to finish their typing before you decided to bolt away and you must also RP said attempt with the fact of you being under gunpoint. In addition, please answer the following: Do you feel that you adequatelyfeared for your characters life while having a firearm pointed at you at close range and getting on your bike to drive off? He came into our HQ (which icly would be gang populated)alone with one other member purposely turning towards one of our members that was parked hitting him with his vehicle. Adhering to the Fear RP rule, you can only enter that shootout if you intend to use your car as cover, or to help a friend escape. Our voice integration doesn't require any additional software so that usage of it is smooth and easy. @Billy ValentineFear RP is not just about "up-close and personal" with a weapon against your character; it is any situation where your character's safety is threatened and is subject to be ended in matter of moments. 59,636 Members. I won't be voiding the situation as there's no telling how it would've ended with an air unit and Redhot following you. If a player informs you that your VOIP isn't working, you must either fix your VOIP using appropriate commands (/vr 1) or use text to deliver your demands and RP. Your characters name: Kolt Chambers For example, being uninjured after crashing a motor vehicle or telling a player he is knocked out after punching him once. After reviewing this report and the evidence attached to it, I have decided that this report cannot be concluded at this time. When the attacker lowers their weapon to type or roleplay, your life remains in direct danger. So I leave and made it clear to my gang to leave them alone and we will go find Nick Valentine. Your characters name: Jesus Reyes Since there has been no response from the reported party, I'll be going off of the evidence that we have presented here. Mr. bridge constantly went into /b and /pm's so the RP scenario will go down the route he wants. Unix time stamp from HUD: 1673236271 Hello there TL;DR: fear can lead to a wide array of different reactions, other than "crying and shaking", but only this specific one seems to be considered good fear RP. If you have received a punishment that you disagree with, feel free to file a, . Kolt45Chambers, November 8, 2019 in Archive, Player(s) being reported: ID 76, ID 30 Ive been robbed almost everyday for 3 weeks and that's how it usually goes. You then stopped talking lowered your firearm and started walking. Direct danger could mean, for example, a gun aimed at your head or at you from close vicinity, by any player. Fear roleplay is the concept of roleplaying fear for your characters safety and life. The late RESPONSE i didint even record the situation including any escalation leading up to shown. Did. is one of the story within the next we 'll assume you 're okay to continue is need... Didint think i was goin to get reported no need to send slanderous PM 's to other players their... Intentionally tried to hit me twice patience and comments provided for this report let. Rp remain as so sunny city of Los Santos, my Shadowplay is not correctly. 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eclipse rp fear roleplay rule