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ada code for bridge sectioning

1009.5.5 Surface. 233.1 General. Passing spaces shall be either: a space 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum by 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum; or, an intersection of two walking surfaces providing a T-shaped space complying with 304.3.2 where the base and arms of the T-shaped space extend 48 inches (1220 mm) minimum beyond the intersection. 223.1.1 Alterations. Token collection devices that are designed to accommodate tokens which are perforated can allow a person to distinguish more readily between tokens and common coins. An accessible route is required to connect to the boundary of each area of sport activity. 502.3.1 Width. 206.4.3 Entrances from Tunnels or Elevated Walkways. 232.2.1 Cells with Mobility Features. Additionally, the space required for a person using a golf car to enter and maneuver within the teeing stations required to be accessible should be considered. Parking facilities that provide valet parking services shall provide at least one passenger loading zone complying with 503. Characters displayed on the screen shall be in a sans serif font. Transfer devices for use with amusement rides shall comply with 1002.6 when positioned for loading and unloading. The outlet of the dispenser shall be 14 inches (355 mm) minimum and 19 inches (485 mm) maximum above the finish floor. The rear wall grab bar shall be 36 inches (915 mm) long minimum and extend from the centerline of the water closet 12 inches (305 mm) minimum on one side and 24 inches (610 mm) minimum on the other side. The top of the counter edge protection shall be 2 inches (51 mm) maximum above the top of the counter surface on the aisle side of the check-out counter. Where alarm appliances are provided within a residential dwelling unit as part of the building fire alarm system, they shall comply with 702. This means that circulation paths, such as vehicular ways designed for pedestrian traffic, walks, and unpaved paths that are designed to be routinely used by pedestrians must be accessible or have an accessible route nearby. Where provided, check-out aisles, sales counters, service counters, food service lines, queues, and waiting lines shall comply with 227 and 904. EXCEPTION: Destination-oriented elevators shall not be required to comply with 407.2.1.4. The rear edge of the L portion of the seat shall be 1 1/2 inches (38 mm) maximum from the wall and the front edge shall be 14 inches (355 mm) minimum and 15 inches (380 mm) maximum from the wall. Only the authorized personnel answering the call can terminate the call. Sloped entries in wading pools shall not be required to provide handrails complying with 1009.3.3. 232.5.1 Cubicles and Counters. Destination-oriented elevators shall not be required to comply with 407.2.2.3 provided that the audible tone and verbal announcement is the same as those given at the call button or call button keypad. 602.1 General. In addition, medical care facilities that do not specialize in the treatment of conditions that affect mobility shall disperse the accessible patient bedrooms required by section 223.2.1 of the 2010 Standards in a manner that is proportionate by type of medical specialty. Doors to a toilet room or bathing room for a single occupant accessed only through a private office and not for common use or public use shall be permitted to swing into the clear floor space or clearance provided the swing of the door can be reversed to comply with 603.2.3. Exercise machines and equipment required to comply with 236 shall be on an accessible route. 802.1.3 Depth. Where gangways and transition plates connect and are required to have handrails, handrail extensions shall not be required. The display screen shall be visible from a point located 40 inches (1015 mm) above the center of the clear floor space in front of the machine. Unisex toilet rooms benefit people who use opposite sex personal care assistants. EXCEPTION: In existing facilities, visible alarms shall not be required except where an existing fire alarm system is upgraded or replaced, or a new fire alarm system is installed. Public use may be provided at a building or facility that is privately or publicly owned. Edge protection shall not be required on the sides of ramp landings serving an adjoining ramp run or stairway. Wheelchair spaces shall be dispersed vertically at varying distances from the screen, performance area, or playing field. Clear floor or ground space shall comply with 305. Where an alteration includes alterations to an entrance, and the building or facility has another entrance complying with 404 that is on an accessible route, the altered entrance shall not be required to comply with 206.4 unless required by 202.4. Raised islands in crossings shall be cut through level with the street or have curb ramps at both sides. Consider identifying such seats with signs that contrast (light-on-dark or dark-on-light) and that are also photo luminescent. 809.5.4 Prohibited Use. Handrails are required on ramp runs with a rise greater than 6 inches (150 mm) (see 405.8) and on certain stairways (see 504). That portion of a room or space where the play or practice of a sport occurs. EXCEPTION: Destination-oriented elevators shall not be required to comply with 407. provided that the visible indicators extinguish when the call has been answered. Although socialization and pretend play can occur on these elements, they are not primarily intended for play. The width between handrails shall be 20 inches (510 mm) minimum and 24 inches (610 mm) maximum. Some amusement rides and attractions that have unique designs and features are not addressed by these requirements. Turning space complying with 304 shall be provided within the guest room. In the raised position, the centerline of the seat shall be located over the deck and 16 inches (405 mm) minimum from the edge of the pool. Consistent with the overall intent of the ADA, individuals who use wheelchairs must be provided equal access so that their experience is substantially equivalent to that of other members of the audience. Handrails are not required on walking surfaces with running slopes less than 1:20. Alternate roll-in type shower compartments shall be 36 inches (915 mm) wide and 60 inches (1525 mm) deep minimum clear inside dimensions measured at center points of opposing sides. EXCEPTION: Golf car passages complying with 1006.3 shall be permitted to be used for all or part of accessible routes required by 206.2.15. A variable-sloped pedestrian walkway that links a fixed structure or land with a floating structure. Elevator car doors or gates shall be positioned at the narrow end of the clear floor spaces required by 409.4.1. (f) Assembly areas. EXCEPTION: Wheelchair spaces shall not be required in team or player seating areas serving bowling lanes not required to comply with 206.2.11. Platform lifts shall comply with 410. The golf club reach range applies to all holes required to be accessible. Soft Contained Play Structure. Wheelchair spaces shall provide spectators with choices of seating locations and viewing angles that are substantially equivalent to, or better than, the choices of seating locations and viewing angles available to all other spectators. The clearance between the car platform sill and the edge of any hoistway landing shall be 1 1/4 inch (32 mm) maximum. Elements located on circulation paths, including operable elements, must comply with requirements for protruding objects. The telephone and emergency signaling device shall comply with 309.3 and 309.4. Floor designations complying with 703.2 and 703.4.1 shall be provided on both jambs of elevator hoistway entrances. 804.3.3 Exposed Surfaces. Holes required to comply with 239.2, including the start of play, shall be on an accessible route. (d) Social service center establishments. Where parking spaces are provided, parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with 208. Ramp landing size specified by 405.7.4 shall be permitted to be 48 inches (1220 mm) minimum by 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum. Spacing between the baselines of separate lines of raised characters within a message shall be 135 percent minimum and 170 percent maximum of the raised character height. 206.7.2 Wheelchair Spaces. Isolated or temporary interruptions in service due to maintenance or repairs may be unavoidable; however, failure to take prompt action to effect repairs could constitute a violation of Federal laws and these requirements. 233.3.1 Minimum Number: New Construction. (b) Commercial facilities located in private residences. The International Symbol of TTY shall comply with Figure 703.7.2.2. 408.4.2 Floor Surfaces. 215.2 Public and Common Use Areas. If an adjustable-height shower head on a vertical bar is used, the bar shall be installed so as not to obstruct the use of grab bars. 407. Height. Each transfer step shall be 8 inches (205 mm) high maximum. Raised boxing or wrestling rings shall not be required to comply with these requirements or to be on an accessible route. A continuous passage on which a motorized golf car can operate. Car control buttons shall comply with 407.4.7.1. Braille shall comply with 703.3. Where sleeping rooms are altered or added, the requirements of 223 shall apply only to the sleeping rooms being altered or added until the number of sleeping rooms complies with the minimum number required for new construction. Playing surfaces shall not be required to comply with 302.2. Where two or more similar site arrival points, such as bus stops, serve the same accessible entrance or entrances, both bus stops must be on accessible routes. The lift shall be designed so that the seat will submerge to a water depth of 18 inches (455 mm) minimum below the stationary water level. Pool lifts shall comply with 1009.2. 404.3.1 Clear Width. Wave action pools, leisure rivers, sand bottom pools, and other pools where user access is limited to one area shall not be required to provide more than one accessible means of entry provided that the accessible means of entry is a swimming pool lift complying with 1009.2, a sloped entry complying with 1009.3, or a transfer system complying with 1009.5. A clear floor or ground space complying with 305 shall be positioned for a forward approach to the counter. EXCEPTION: Where visual characters comply with 703.2 and are accompanied by braille complying with 703.3, they shall not be required to comply with 703.5.2 through 703.5.9. 1009.2.3 Clear Deck Space. People with disabilities, older people, and others benefit from continuous gripping surfaces that permit users to reach the fingers outward or downward to grasp the handrail, particularly as the user senses a loss of equilibrium or begins to fall. (2) An alteration is deemed to be undertaken after January 26, 1992, if the physical alteration of the property begins after that date. These dimensions apply to either forward or side reaches. Extension shall return to a wall, guard, or the landing surface, or shall be continuous to the handrail of an adjacent stair flight. 304.3.2 T-Shaped Space. All components of an accessible route shall comply with the applicable requirements of Chapter 4. Signs covered by this requirement shall, to the maximum extent practicable, be placed in uniform locations within the system. 810.10 Track Crossings. Where a stand-alone slide is provided, an accessible route must connect the base of the stairs at the entry point to the exit point of the slide. For example, awnings and their supporting structures cannot reduce the minimum required vertical clearance. The seat shall be 16 inches (405 mm) wide minimum. 809.5.1 Building Fire Alarm System. 604.9.6 Dispensers. Where two grab bars are provided, clearance between grab bars shall be 24 inches (610 mm) minimum. An accessible route shall not be required to press boxes in bleachers that have points of entry at only one level provided that the aggregate area of all press boxes is 500 square feet (46 m2) maximum. The control button for the emergency stop, alarm, door open, door close, main entry floor, and phone, shall be identified with tactile symbols as shown in Table 407. Two grab bars shall be installed on the back wall, one located in accordance with 609.4 and the other located 8 inches (205 mm) minimum and 10 inches (255 mm) maximum above the rim of the bathtub. Ground surfaces on accessible routes, clear floor or ground spaces, and turning spaces shall comply with 1008.2.6. The clear floor space adjacent to the control shall be located beyond the arc of the door swing. Ground level play components that are provided to comply with shall be permitted to satisfy the additional number required by if the minimum required types of play components are satisfied. With respect to an alteration of a building or a facility, something that has little likelihood of being accomplished because existing structural conditions would require removing or altering a load-bearing member that is an essential part of the structural frame; or because other existing physical or site constraints prohibit modification or addition of elements, spaces, or features that are in full and strict compliance with the minimum requirements. EXCEPTION: In existing golf courses, the forward teeing ground shall not be required to be one of the teeing grounds on a hole designed and constructed so that a golf car can enter and exit the teeing ground where compliance is not feasible due to terrain. Ramp handrails shall extend horizontally above the landing for 12 inches (305 mm) minimum beyond the top and bottom of ramp runs. (i) Facilities that are subject to the same permit application on a common site that each have 50 or fewer guest rooms may be combined for the purposes of determining the required number of accessible rooms and type of accessible bathing facility in accordance with table 224.2 to section 224.2 of the 2010 Standards. 810.5 Rail Platforms. For example, if all residents are permitted to use all laundry rooms, then all laundry rooms serve accessible dwelling units. An element intended to generate specific opportunities for play, socialization, or learning. Golf facilities shall comply with 238. Doorways shall provide a clear opening of 32 inches (815 mm) minimum in power-on and power-off mode. At least 5 percent, but no fewer than one, of practice putting greens, practice teeing grounds, and teeing stations at driving ranges shall be designed and constructed so that a golf car can enter and exit the practice putting greens, practice teeing grounds, and teeing stations at driving ranges. EXCEPTION: In detention or correctional facilities, drinking fountains only serving holding or housing cells not required to comply with 232 shall not be required to comply with 211. Handrails shall be provided on both sides of stairs and ramps. 105.2 Referenced Standards. The length of transition plates would not be included in determining if the gangway(s) meet the requirements of the exception. State Historic Preservation Officers are State appointed officials who carry out certain responsibilities under the National Historic Preservation Act. Where provided, elevator car controls shall comply with 407.4.6 and 309.4. The clear pier space shall be permitted to be 36 inches (915 mm) wide minimum for a length of 24 inches (610 mm) maximum provided that multiple 36 inch (915 mm) wide segments are separated by segments that are 60 inches (1525 mm) wide minimum and 60 inches (1525 mm) long minimum. Parking spaces shall be permitted to be located in different parking facilities if substantially equivalent or greater accessibility is provided in terms of distance from an accessible entrance or entrances, parking fee, and user convenience. 504.3 Open Risers. 806.2.4 Toilet and Bathing Facilities. For the purposes of the application of this section, the term sleeping room is intended to be used interchangeably with the term guest room as it is used in the transient lodging standards. Where a building is vacated for the purposes of alteration, and the altered building contains more than 15 residential dwelling units, at least 5 percent of the residential dwelling units shall comply with 809.2 through 809.4 and shall be on an accessible route as required by 206. Toilet compartment doors, including door hardware, shall comply with 404, except that if the approach is to the latch side of the compartment door, clearance between the door side of the compartment and any obstruction shall be 42 inches (1065 mm) minimum. Changes in level at thresholds complying with 404.2.5 shall be permitted. International Building Code, 2000 Edition (see 207.1, 207.2, 216.4.2, 216.4.3, and 1005.2.1). Where the accessible route makes a 180 degree turn around an element which is less than 48 inches (1220 mm) wide, clear width shall be 42 inches (1065 mm) minimum approaching the turn, 48 inches (1220 mm) minimum at the turn and 42 inches (1065 mm) minimum leaving the turn. In alterations and additions, the minimum required number of accessible guest rooms is based on the total number of guest rooms altered or added instead of the total number of guest rooms provided in a facility. A play component that is approached and exited at the ground level. EXCEPTION: Residential dwelling units shall not be required to comply with 202.4. Clear floor or ground space shall be positioned adjacent to the dishwasher door. A change to a building or facility that affects or could affect the usability of the building or facility or portion thereof. Grab bars shall not be required to be installed in a toilet room for a single occupant accessed only through a private office and not for common use or public use provided that reinforcement has been installed in walls and located so as to permit the installation of grab bars complying with 604.5. Spaces and elements located on a level not required to be served by an accessible route must fully comply with this document. 904.3 Check-Out Aisles. The columns and the girders, beams, and trusses having direct connections to the columns and all other members that are essential to the stability of the building or facility as a whole. An entrance includes the approach walk, the vertical access leading to the entrance platform, the entrance platform itself, vestibule if provided, the entry door or gate, and the hardware of the entry door or gate. 101.2 Effect on Removal of Barriers in Existing Facilities. 604.1 General. Occupant Load. 1002.4.7.1 Shoulder-to-Shoulder Seating. Advisory Additional Number and Types. Describes spaces and elements specifically designed for use primarily by people 12 years old and younger. Grab bars shall be installed 6 inches (150 mm) maximum from adjacent walls. 1009.4 Transfer Walls. Tactile characters on signs shall be located 48 inches (1220 mm) minimum above the finish floor or ground surface, measured from the baseline of the lowest tactile character and 60 inches (1525 mm) maximum above the finish floor or ground surface, measured from the baseline of the highest tactile character. 1008.3.1.1 Size. In existing elevators, car control buttons with floor designations shall be permitted to be located 54 inches (1370 mm) maximum above the finish floor where a parallel approach is provided. The term boat slip is intended to cover any pier area other than launch ramp boarding piers where recreational boats are moored for purposes of berthing, embarking, or disembarking. A building or facility or portion of a building or facility designed, constructed, or altered by, on behalf of, or for the use of a public entity subject to Title II of the ADA and 28 CFR part 35 or to Title II of the ADA and 49 CFR 37.41 or 37.43. EXCEPTION: Where the State Historic Preservation Officer or Advisory Council on Historic Preservation determines that compliance with the requirements for accessible routes, entrances, or toilet facilities would threaten or destroy the historic significance of the building or facility, the exceptions for alterations to qualified historic buildings or facilities for that element shall be permitted to apply. 704.2.1.1 Parallel Approach. Miniature golf courses shall be configured so that the holes complying with 1007.3 are consecutive. Passenger loading zones shall provide access aisles complying with 503 adjacent to the vehicle pull-up space. A story containing one or more mezzanines has more than one floor level. Characters shall not be italic, oblique, script, highly decorative, or of other unusual forms. Telephones shall be served by an electrical outlet complying with 309 located within 48 inches (1220 mm) of the telephone to facilitate the use of a TTY. In this example, an exterior or interior platform lift could be used to provide an accessible entrance or to coordinate one or more interior floor levels. In licensed medical care facilities and licensed long-term care facilities where the period of stay exceeds twenty-four hours, patient or resident sleeping rooms shall be provided in accordance with 223. (c) Accessibility standards and compliance date. 216.10 Assistive Listening Systems. At the top of a stair flight, handrails shall extend horizontally above the landing for 12 inches (305 mm) minimum beginning directly above the first riser nosing. Advisory 213.2 Toilet Rooms and Bathing Rooms Exceptions 3 and 4. Storage shall comply with 811. 1002.4.2 Slope. Where more than three clothes dryers are provided, at least two shall comply with 611. 407. Location. 239.2 Minimum Number. Accessible routes serving soft contained play structures shall be permitted to use the exception in 1008.2.2. Clearances at automatic doors and gates without standby power and serving an accessible means of egress shall comply with 404.2.4. 407.3.3.3 Duration. 407.2.1.4 Location. Platform boarding edges not protected by platform screens or guards shall have detectable warnings complying with 705 along the full length of the public use area of the platform. 404.2 Manual Doors, Doorways, and Manual Gates. 505.6 Gripping Surface. The height and position of a platform must be coordinated with the floor of the vehicles it serves to minimize the vertical and horizontal gaps, in accordance with the ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Transportation Vehicles (36 CFR Part 1192). 407.4.8.2 Audible Indicators. To maximize the pleasant arched look and still meet ADA, call out "2% camber" or "maximum slope per ADA 8.3%." Storage elements shall comply with at least one of the reach ranges specified in 308. If farecards have one tactually distinctive corner they can be inserted with greater accuracy. 803.2 Turning Space. (See Section 308). Public pay telephones required to accommodate portable TTYs shall be equipped with a shelf and an electrical outlet within or adjacent to the telephone enclosure. 408.4.3 Platform to Hoistway Clearance. 802.1.1 Floor or Ground Surface. Advisory 234.3 Minimum Number Exceptions 1 through 3. 216.2 Designations. Where coat hooks or shelves are provided in toilet rooms without toilet compartments, at least one of each type shall comply with 603.4. If an accessible route is required to connect stories within a building or facility, the accessible route must serve all mezzanines. 216.11 Check-Out Aisles. In assembly areas, extensions shall not be required for ramp handrails in aisles serving seating where the handrails are discontinuous to provide access to seating and to permit crossovers within aisles. An object that can be perceived using the sense of touch. 1002.4.1 Floor or Ground Surface. The AccessAbility Office at the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) provides a variety of resources for museum operators and historic properties including: the Design for Accessibility Guide and the Disability Symbols. 609.1 General. Examples of same decor include, but are not limited to, seating at or near windows and railings with views, areas designed with a certain theme, party and banquet rooms, and rooms where entertainment is provided. The following example applies to a boat launch ramp boarding pier: A chain of floats is provided on a launch ramp to be used as a boarding pier which is required to be accessible by 1003.3.2. 704.2.1.2 Forward Approach. Signs are more legible for persons with low vision when characters contrast as much as possible with their background. The standard includes additional provisions for runway enclosures, electrical equipment and wiring, structural support, headroom clearance (which is 80 inches minimum), lower level access ramps and pits. Hand operated flush controls shall comply with 309. See additional requirements for places of lodging at 28 CFR 36.406(c) and for housing at a place of education at 28 CFR 35.151(f) and 28 CFR 36.406(e). Self-service shelves include, but are not limited to, library, store, or post office shelves. The end of the L shall be 22 inches (560 mm) minimum and 23 inches maximum (585 mm) from the main seat wall. 403.3 Slope. 406.3 Sides of Curb Ramps. Recessed ashtrays should not be placed near elevator call buttons so that persons who are blind or visually impaired do not inadvertently contact them or their contents as they reach for the call buttons. EXCEPTION: Dining surfaces and work surfaces that are used primarily by children 5 years and younger shall not be required to comply with 902.4 where a clear floor or ground space complying with 305 positioned for a parallel approach is provided. Unisex toilet rooms shall contain not more than one lavatory, and two water closets without urinals or one water closet and one urinal. Cells subject to this requirement include, but are not limited to, those used for purposes of orientation, protective custody, administrative or disciplinary detention or segregation, detoxification, and medical isolation. Changes in level are not permitted. The landing clear width shall be at least as wide as the curb ramp, excluding flared sides, leading to the landing. 707.6.3.2 Tactile Symbols. Transfer Device. Ten percent of patient and visitor parking spaces provided to serve hospital outpatient facilities shall comply with 502. Speech shall be capable of being repeated or interrupted. Accessible routes connecting play components shall provide a clear width complying with 1008.2.4. Where elevated play components are provided, ground level play components shall be provided in accordance with Table and shall comply with 1008.4. 708.2 Audible and Visual Indicators. Toilet and bathing fixtures required to comply with 603 through 610 shall be located in the same toilet and bathing area, such that travel between fixtures does not require travel between other parts of the residential dwelling unit. Must comply with 202.4 either forward or side reaches controls shall comply with requirements for protruding objects guest. Distances from the screen shall be in a sans serif font Destination-oriented elevators shall not be italic oblique..., clear floor spaces required by 409.4.1 and pretend play can occur on these elements, must comply with for. Be perceived using the sense of touch fire alarm system, they are not addressed by these requirements with.! 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ada code for bridge sectioning